Within the scope of our Assessment Packages, our experts will help you to identify undiscovered PostgreSQL or Data Science potentials in your company, as well as work with you to develop specific projects and strategies for implementing these new opportunities.
After booking the Assessment Package, one of our consultants will provide you with one day of guidance on your opportunities of implementing Data Science, PostgreSQL or spatial data. We will consider your capacities and infrastructure)and work out suitable concepts for your company.
The package includes one day of consulting (max. 8 hours). The morning is used for the analysis of the current situation and data as well as the identification of potentials. In the afternoon, the more practical part takes place, in which strategies for handling the potentials are developed in dialogue and then prioritized in a project portfolio.
We can also visit you personally to get a deeper insight into your company.
Do you need support with the implementation of the identified projects and strategies? CYBERTEC is happy to be there for you.
Identify unused Data Science & Machine Learning potentials in your company. Our consultants conduct an analysis of the current situation and develop concrete approaches and projects in cooperation with you to advance your company in the Data Science sector in the best possible way. The result is a prioritized project portfolio containing all relevant strategies.
Identify unused PostgreSQL potentials in your Start-Up. Our experts will not only help you to identify undiscovered potentials in your data and system architecture, but carry out a live PostgreSQL systems review. At the end of this process we will have a project portfolio, which includes all identified potentials to optimize the usage of PostgreSQL in your Start-Up.
Discover unused Spatial Data potentials in your company. First of all, you will get an introduction into spatial data and applications. In cooperation with you, we will develop possibilites regarding architecture and implementation of spatial applications. The result is a project portfolio, which includes all identified potentials for spatial data in your company.
Contact us now to receive your personal offer for an Assessment Package. CYBERTEC offers a professional work and promp delivery.