Is it possible that the git filter clones reduce the overall disk consumption and which other options are possible?
I had the pleasure of attending in Munich on April 12, 2024. Here I report on my experiences and insights.
Recovering Deleted Data From PostgreSQL Tables
Four options in recovering deleted data. In this article we will show you four options how to restore your data.
I went to FOSDEM 2024 in Brussels. In this post I would like to tell you about my personal impressions concerning this event.
The 2023 PGconf.EU in Prague
The took place 2023 in Prague. It was a great time with other CYBERTEC members and of course interesting topics.
I am happy to announce PostgreSQL family is growing again, with the addition of IBM’s z-series architecture, called “s390x” in Debian terms.
Exclusion constraints in PostgreSQL and a tricky problem
Exclusion constraints in PostgreSQL are complex, see this use case using WHERE STATUS. There are limits to what exclusion constraints can do.
Reproducible builds: a PostgreSQL query optimization example
This post shows how to optimize a slow query that came out of the Reproducible Builds project. The Reproducible Builds […]