Reducing space consumption
After digging through some customer source code yesterday I thought that it might be worth publishing a post about space consumption and enum types. It seems to be quite common to store status information as text fields. This is highly inefficient.
CREATE DOMAIN: Data type abstraction
In a procedural language such as C people will create typedefs & functions But what about data type abstraction in SQL?
Statistics are the rocket fuel behind performance. Learn to adjust histogram sizes for optimal performance results.
Reducing the impact of locking
(Bad) locking and low concurrency lead to poor performance results. Learn to minimize locking in PostgreSQL.
Per-tablespace storage parameters
A per-tablespace can be used to add more hardware to the system – but, is there some other way to make use of a tablespace? There is!
Sequences – transactional behavior
Creating and using sequences in PostgreSQL - Database sequences are database objects from which multiple users can generate unique numbers.
Import stock market data into PostgreSQL
The internet is full of people who want to import stock market data into a database. How can data be imported into PostgreSQL nicely?
Storing network information
PostgreSQL can handle IP addresses - and network information in general - pretty nicely. Check out this blogpost to learn more.
Monitoring: Keeping an eye on old transactions
To handle transactions PostgreSQL uses a mechanism called MVCC (Multi Version Concurrency Control). The core idea of this machinery is to allow the storage engine to keep more than just one version of the row.
PostgreSQL Vim integration: Finally ...
Importing into Vim is basically not too much of an issue – but, exporting data back to PostgreSQL is more of an issue.