Category: Performance

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Walbouncer update - a proxy for selective PostgreSQL physical replication

by CYBERTEC Guest | 08.2016
walbouncer update, now supporting PostgreSQL 14, together with a helper script to build replicas. How-to on the walbouncer set up process.

Insert-only data modeling with PostgreSQL?

by CYBERTEC Guest | 08.2016
Introduction to insert-only data modeling with PostgreSQL. And a test scenario for a possible use case, highlighting performance benefits

Exploding runtime: How nested loops can destroy speed

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 08.2016
What will happen if the PostgreSQL optimizer underestimates the number of rows involved in nested loops? Includes ways to fix the problem.

Spying on slow statements with “auto_explain”

by CYBERTEC Guest | 06.2016
PostgreSQL "auto_explain" functionality is a useful debugging helper that many people don't know about. Describes setup and use cases.

PostgreSQL underused features - WAL compression

by CYBERTEC Guest | 06.2016
WAL compression is a new feature of PostgreSQL 9.5 that not many are yet aware of. This post provides a testcase highlighting the benfits.

Estimating table bloat in PostgreSQL

by CYBERTEC Guest | 06.2016
A short how to on quickly spotting bloated PostgreSQL tables - 2 different methods. We also show how to artificially generate table bloat.

UNIX sockets vs. localhost: PostgreSQL Performance advice

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 05.2016
Unix sockets vs. localhost: We posted a lot of tuning advice on this blog already. Now we thought we would […]

VirtualBox vs. hardware for PostgreSQL

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 02.2016
Is there really a performance difference in PostgreSQL on hardware and PostgreSQL on Virtualbox? Find out here.

Join pruning - Cool stuff in PostgreSQL

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 12.2015
UPDATED 2023: Find out how the PostgreSQL optimizer decides about “join pruning”. Improve performance, provide end users with simpler plans.

Indexing Wikipedia

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 10.2015
Indexing Wikipedia with PostgreSQL | The goal is to see which settings are most suitable for the creation of a GIN index.
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