Category: Performance

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Pagination and the problem of the total result count

by Laurenz Albe | 01.2023
  When processing a big result set in an interactive application, you want to paginate the result set, that is, […]


by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 01.2023
Analyzing time series often comes with challenges. This is especially true if you want to do a bit more than […]

JSON logs in PostgreSQL 15

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 12.2022
As of version 15, PostgreSQL offers you the ability to write the server log in JSON format. This feature has […]

UNION ALL, data types and performance

by Laurenz Albe | 12.2022
  A while ago, I wrote about the performance impact of query parameter data types. Recently I encountered a similar […]

pg_dump compression specifications in PostgreSQL 16

by Pavlo Golub | 12.2022
What is pg_dump compression? pg_dump is a PostgreSQL utility for backing up a local or remote PostgreSQL database. It creates […]

Faceting large result sets in PostgreSQL

by Ants Aasma | 12.2022
While the term faceting may sound foreign to you, you almost certainly have run into it in your adventures online. […]

EXPLAIN that parameterized statement in PostgreSQL!

by Laurenz Albe | 11.2022
  For detailed query performance analysis, you need EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) output for an SQL statement. With a parameterized statement, […]

Rewrite OR to UNION in PostgreSQL queries

by Laurenz Albe | 11.2022
  In my article that reviles OR, I showed how in certain cases, it is possible to rewrite OR in […]

btree vs. BRIN: 2 options for indexing in PostgreSQL data warehouses

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 11.2022
Indexing is the key to good performance. However, people often ask: Is there an alternative to btree indexing? Can we […]

Why are my PostgreSQL updates getting slower?

by Laurenz Albe | 10.2022
  Recently, a customer asked me why a bulk load into a PostgreSQL table kept slowing down as time went […]
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