CYPEX Online Academy - Overview and first application in a few minutes

2.1 Application section – first application generation

Before you generate your first app, you can select queries, adjust colors and handle CSS-related issues. Once the application has been predicted, it will show up in the list. You can then export and import it. Note that the GUI is simply a JSON document describing the layout and functionality of the application. That makes it easy to download and upload entire apps.

Also keep in mind that these JSON documents are stored inside the database. This implies that the data as well as the application will be part of the backup (pg_basebackup, pg_dump, etc.).

2.2 Create an application in a few minutes

The first video is a quick-start 5-minute guide to creating an app, while the second video gives you a full guided tour through a standard CYPEX application. You will be guided through all the important stages of app creation. Includes default rendering, adding new pages and adjusting elements on the new pages.

Create an application – Quick-Start 5-Minute Guide

Create an application – Full Guided Tour

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