CYPEX Rapid Prototyping

CYPEX Rapid Prototyping replaces the specification process

Get rid of that giant chain of command and catch failure early with a rapid feedback loop. Avoid customer dissatisfaction with results that don’t fit customer needs. Get out of the emergency meeting trap and improve efficiency.

Visualize early – show customers an application based on a data model, then get their feedback.

Turn the prototyping process on its head by starting with what the customer wants.

  • Understanding of requirements
  • Prediction of application
  • Customer feedback
  • Quick structure adaption

Often customers don’t know what they really want until they see a live prototype. 

However, normally a prototype takes weeks or even months to develop from a specification. Why wait that long to find out you have a basic misunderstanding which creates a load of extra work to correct? With CYPEX Rapid Prototyping, you can quickly and easily create an application from your PostgreSQL database that you then discuss with your customer, correcting misunderstandings up front and ending with a far better result: happy customers and less stress for your team.

Here’s how Rapid Prototyping works:

1. First, import your data. A basic prerequisite is the creation of  tables and schemas in your database. (outside of CYPEX)

2. Show structure. Admin user visualizes data model using CYPEX:

Structure Data Visualization - CYPEX

3. Define Workflows. Admin user defines workflows, which can easily be visualized in CYPEX:

Define Workflows - CYPEX

4. Create queries: Admin user defines how to access data in data model with the queries (How is data displayed to managers?)

Create Query - CYPEX

5. Define permissions: Admin user declares permissions (which users can access which queries?)

Define Permission - CYPEX

6. Generate Application: more than one application can be generated from the same data, and depending on permissions.

Generate Application (Manufacturers List) - CYPEX

7. Customer Review: Admin reviews application with customer and gets feedback.

8. Finalize Data Model: Admin edits data model, updates workflows, queries and permissions, and generates final application.

9. Make it beautiful: When the customer review of the data model is complete, applications can be enhanced with charts, graphs, maps, etc.

Example of an Shoe Sales Inventory - CYPEX

It’s that simple!

CYPEX Rapid Prototyping saves effort on the customer side and on your side.

By speaking directly to the customer and using the CYPEX rapid prototyping process to get early feedback, you catch misunderstandings early on and prevent lost hours of wasted work. With rapid prototyping you immediately notice when you have produced something the customer doesn’t really want. Eliminate the need for a specification. The resulting application is clickable, easy to understand and flexible.

Contact us today to get a demonstration.

Additional Features: Default Lookup and Auditing

1. Setting Default Lookups allows Admins to define exactly how a particular entity should be displayed, for example whether the name of a company or the company’s address should be displayed in the app.

Default Lookup - CYPEX

2. Auditing prevents data loss and allows you to create a data trail; it keeps track of all data modifications.

Auditing - CYPEX

CYPEX Rapid Prototyping – Rapid Feedback Loop for new versions

CYPEX makes revision of apps easy continuous development

Compare the slow, cumbersome traditional specification writing process, loaded with communication flaws, to the CYPEX Rapid Prototyping feedback loop. Our rapid feedback loop keeps the chain of communication short, and saves you from dropping any links in it, preventing information loss. The result: a quick, efficient process that is a joy to use, and enables quick versioning.

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