(Last updated 18.01.2023) When digging into PostgreSQL performance, it is always good to know which options one has to spot performance problems, and to figure out what is really happening on a server. Finding slow queries in PostgreSQL and pinpointing performance weak spots is therefore exactly what this post is all about.
Table of Contents
There are many ways to approach performance problems. However, three methods have proven to be really useful to quickly assess a problem. Here are my top three suggestions to handle bad performance:
Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed in this document.
A more traditional way to attack slow queries is to make use of PostgreSQL's slow query log. The idea is: If a query takes longer than a certain amount of time, a line will be sent to the log. This way, slow queries can easily be spotted so that developers and administrators can quickly react and know where to look.
In a default configuration the slow query log is not active. Therefore it is necessary to turn it on. You have version choices: If you want to turn the slow query log on globally, you can change postgresql.conf:
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log_min_duration_statement = 5000 |
If you set log_min_duration_statement in postgresql.conf to 5000, PostgreSQL will consider queries which take longer than 5 seconds to be slow queries and send them to the logfile. If you change this line in postgresql.conf there is no need for a server restart. A “reload” will be enough:
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postgres=# SELECT pg_reload_conf(); pg_reload_conf ---------------- t (1 row) |
You can do this using an init script or simply by calling the SQL function shown above.
If you change postgresql.conf, the change will be done for the entire instance, which might be too much. In many cases you want to be a lot more precise.
Therefore it can make sense to make the change only for a certain user or for a certain database:
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postgres=# ALTER DATABASE test SET log_min_duration_statement = 5000; ALTER DATABASE |
Let's reconnect and run a slow query:
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postgres=# c test You are now connected to database 'test' as user 'hs'. test=# SELECT pg_sleep(10); pg_sleep ---------- (1 row) |
In my example I use pg_sleep to just make the system wait for 10 seconds. When we inspect the logfile, we already see the desired entry:
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2018-08-20 08:19:28.151 CEST [22845] LOG: duration: 10010.353 ms statement: SELECT pg_sleep(10); |
Now you can take the statement and analyze why it is slow. A good way to do that is to run “explain analyze”, which will run the statement and provide you with an execution plan.
The advantage of the slow query log is that you can instantly inspect a slow query. Whenever something is slow, you can respond instantly to any individual query which exceeds the desired threshold. However, the strength of this approach is also its main weakness. The slow query log will track single queries. But what if bad performance is caused by a ton of not quite so slow queries? We can all agree that 10 seconds can be seen as an expensive query. But what if we are running 1 million queries which take 500 milliseconds each?
All those queries will never show up in the slow query log because they are still considered to be “fast”. What you might find, however, consists of backups, CREATE INDEX, bulk loads and so on. You might never find the root cause if you only rely on the slow query log. The purpose of the slow query log is therefore to track down individual slow statements.
The same applies to our next method. Sometimes your database is just fine, but once in a while a query goes crazy. The goal is now to find those queries and fix them. One way to do that is to make use of the auto_explain module.
The idea is similar to what the slow query log does: Whenever something is slow, create log entries. In case of auto_explain you will find the complete execution plan in the logfile - not just the query. Why does it matter?
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test=# CREATE TABLE t_demo AS SELECT * FROM generate_series(1, 10000000) AS id; SELECT 10000000 test=# CREATE INDEX idx_id ON t_demo (id); CREATE INDEX test=# ANALYZE; ANALYZE |
The table I have just created contains 10 million rows. In addition to that an index has been defined.
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test=# explain SELECT * FROM t_demo WHERE id < 10; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Only Scan using idx_id on t_demo (cost=0.43..8.61 rows=10 width=4) Index Cond: (id < 10) (2 rows) test=# explain SELECT * FROM t_demo WHERE id < 1000000000; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------ Seq Scan on t_demo (cost=0.00..169248.60 rows=10000048 width=4) Filter: (id < 1000000000) JIT: Functions: 2 Inlining: false Optimization: false (6 rows) |
The queries are basically the same, but PostgreSQL will use totally different execution plans. The first query will only fetch a handful of rows and therefore go for an index scan. The second query will fetch all the data and therefore prefer a sequential scan. Although the queries appear to be similar, the runtime will be totally different. The first query will execute in a millisecond or so while the second query might very well take up to half a second or even a second (depending on hardware, load, caching and all that). The trouble now is: A million queries might be fast because the parameters are suitable - however, in some rare cases somebody might want something which leads to a bad plan or simply returns a lot of data. What can you do? Use auto_explain.
This is the idea: If a query exceeds a certain threshold, PostgreSQL can send the plan to the logfile for later inspection.
Here's an example:
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test=# LOAD 'auto_explain'; LOAD test=# SET auto_explain.log_analyze TO on; SET test=# SET auto_explain.log_min_duration TO 500; SET |
The LOAD command will load the auto_explain module into a database connection. For the demo we can easily do that. In a production system you would use postgresql.conf or ALTER DATABASE / ALTER TABLE to load the module. If you want to make the change in postgresql.conf, consider adding the following line to the config file:
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session_preload_libraries = 'auto_explain'; |
session_preload_libraries will ensure that the module is loaded into every database connection by default. There is no need for the LOAD command anymore. Once the change has been made to the configuration (don't forget to call pg_reload_conf() ) you can try to run the following query:
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test=# SELECT count(*) FROM t_demo GROUP BY id % 2; count --------- 5000000 5000000 (2 rows) |
The query will need more than 500ms and therefore show up in the logfile as expected:
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2018-08-20 09:51:59.056 CEST [23256] LOG: duration: 4280.595 ms plan: Query Text: SELECT count(*) FROM t_demo GROUP BY id % 2; GroupAggregate (cost=1605370.36..1805371.32 rows=10000048 width=12) (actual time=3667.207..4280.582 rows=2 loops=1) Group Key: ((id % 2)) -> Sort (cost=1605370.36..1630370.48 rows=10000048 width=4) (actual time=3057.351..3866.446 rows=10000000 loops=1) Sort Key: ((id % 2)) Sort Method: external merge Disk: 137000kB -> Seq Scan on t_demo (cost=0.00..169248.60 rows=10000048 width=4) (actual time=65.470..876.695 rows=10000000 loops=1) |
As you can see, a full “explain analyze” will be sent to the logfile.
The advantage of this approach is that you can have a deep look at certain slow queries and see when a query decides on a bad plan. However, it's still hard to gather overall information, because there might be millions of queries running on your system.
The third method is to use pg_stat_statements. The idea behind pg_stat_statements is to group identical queries which are just used with different parameters and aggregate runtime information in a system view.
In my personal judgement pg_stat_statements is really like a Swiss army knife. It allows you to understand what is really happening in your system.
To enable pg_stat_statements, add the following line to postgresql.conf and restart your server:
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shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements' |
Then run “CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements” in your database.
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test=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements; CREATE EXTENSION test=# d pg_stat_statements View 'public.pg_stat_statements' Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default -----------------------+------------------+-----------+----------+--------- userid | oid | | | dbid | oid | | | toplevel | bool | | | queryid | bigint | | | query | text | | | plans | bigint | | | total_plan_time | double precision | | | min_plan_time | double precision | | | max_plan_time | double precision | | | mean_plan_time | double precision | | | stddev_plan_time | double precision | | | calls | bigint | | | total_exec_time | double precision | | | min_exec_time | double precision | | | max_exec_time | double precision | | | mean_exec_time | double precision | | | stddev_exec_time | double precision | | | rows | bigint | | | shared_blks_hit | bigint | | | shared_blks_read | bigint | | | shared_blks_dirtied | bigint | | | shared_blks_written | bigint | | | local_blks_hit | bigint | | | local_blks_read | bigint | | | local_blks_dirtied | bigint | | | local_blks_written | bigint | | | temp_blks_read | bigint | | | temp_blks_written | bigint | | | blk_read_time | double precision | | | blk_write_time | double precision | | | temp_blk_read_time | double precision | | | temp_blk_write_time | double precision | | | wal_records | bigint | | | wal_fpi | bigint | | | wal_bytes | numeric | | | jit_functions | bigint | | | jit_generation_time | double precision | | | jit_inlining_count | bigint | | | jit_inlining_time | double precision | | | jit_optimization_count | bigint | | | jit_optimization_time | double precision | | | jit_emission_count | bigint | | | jit_emission_time | double precision | | | |
The view tells you which kind of query has been executed how often, and tells you about the total runtime of this type of query as well as about the distribution of runtimes for those particular queries. The data presented by pg_stat_statements can then be analyzed. Some time ago I wrote a blog post about this issue which can be found on our website.
The advantage of this module is that you will even be able to find millions of fairly fast queries which could be the reason for a high load. In addition to that, pg_stat_statements will tell you about the I/O behavior of various types of queries. The downside is that it can be fairly hard to track down individual slow queries which are usually fast but sometimes slow.
Tracking down slow queries and bottlenecks in PostgreSQL is easy, assuming that you know which technique to use when. Use the slow query log to track down individual slow statements. auto_explain will help you to understand which slow queries are due to bad execution plans. Finally, pg_stat_statements, the Swiss army knife of PostgreSQL, will help you to understand which groups of queries might all be working together to slow your system down. This post gives you a quick overview of what's possible and what can be done to track down performance issues.
Update: see my 2021 blog post on pg_stat_statements for more detailed information on that method.
Check out Kaarel Moppel's blogpost on pg_stat_statements for a real-life example of how to fix slow queries.
From PG 12 to PG 13 the following has changed:
became total_exec_time
because now, there is also a total_plan_time
(see table above)PostgreSQL v15 added counters for JIT (Just-In-Time compiler) statistics.
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Great post.