Longlife solutions

In many parts of our economy IT-systems are facing a long life cycle. Just consider industrial applications or modern aviation: Products such as airplanes have lifecycles which are a lot longer than just one decade. CYBERTEC is aware of this issue and offers customers long term contacts and long term assistance.

To make sure that your products are successful over a long period of time we offer special long-term contracts.

This type of PostgreSQL support is suitable for customers in many fields:

  • Industrial production
  • Medical services
  • Transportation and logistics
  • Energy and energy supply

On customer request, CYBERTEC supports recent versions of PostgreSQL for at least 15 years. During this time we will provide:

Professional help

For long-term support contracts (20 years or more) we offer special pricing models as well as special services.
For further questions feel free to contact us anytime.

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