Analytics: Lagging entire rows

10.2014 / Category: / Tags:

PostgreSQL has offered support for powerful analytics and window functions for a couple of years now. Many people all around the globe use analytics to make their applications more powerful and even faster. However, there is a small little feature in the area of analytics which is not that widely known. The power to use composite data types along with analytics.

A simple example

AS always some sample data is needed. For analytics we at CYBERTEC rely on a basic data set containing some data from the oil industry. Here is how it can be loaded:

All the data is drawn from the net (in case you got "curl" installed) and ends up in a table:

lag is a popular window function allowing us to move data around within the result set. lag(production, 1) means that the value in the production column should be pushed one row further down.

Here is how it works:

Mind that we need an ORDER BY inside the OVER clause to make sure that we know into which direction to move the data. Order is essential to this kind of operation.

Moving beyond a simple field

So far so good. In the previous example one value was pushed one line down the resultset. However, it is also possible to move more complex structures around. It can be pretty useful to move an entire row:

In PostgreSQL every table definition can be seen as a composite data type. Therefore it can actually be used as a field. In this example all it does is saving us from a typing exercise. However, it can be useful if more complicated values have to be passed around (many of them).

The main question arising now is: How can a composite type be broken up again? The trick can be achieved like this:

(column).* helps us to extract all fields out of the composite type once again.

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