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Ants Aasma

Senior Developer & Consultant
Ants Aasma is a senior developer and consultant who has been working with PostgreSQL since 2004 and been giving professional support since 2012.

Articles by Ants Aasma

End of the road for PostgreSQL streaming replication?

by Ants Aasma | 02.2025
In this blog posting you can read more about PostgreSQL streaming replication. It tells you about how to deal with it and how it works.

My First Experience at P2D2

by Ants Aasma | 02.2025
Ants Aasma visited the P2D in Prague in January 2025. He has summarised what he experienced and what he has to say in this blog post.

Unexpected downsides of UUID keys in PostgreSQL

by Ants Aasma | 06.2023
There are various compelling reasons to use universally unique identifiers (UUID) as primary keys. Two examples are: To be able […]

Faceting large result sets in PostgreSQL

by Ants Aasma | 12.2022
While the term faceting may sound foreign to you, you almost certainly have run into it in your adventures online. […]

How we built our cluster in a box

by Ants Aasma | 11.2017
During this year's we displayed a "cluster in a box" demo case with Patroni. Many of you inquired about how […]

Forking databases - the art of copying without copying

by Ants Aasma | 01.2015
I received a question about how to fork PostgreSQL databases like you can do on Heroku. As I did not […]
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