Traveling Salesman problem with PostGIS and pgRouting
This article explains the optimization problem known as the Traveling Salesman Problem which is about the optimal order of stops on a trip.
"Catchment areas" with PostgreSQL and PostGIS
This article explains how to partition an area of interest spatially: Approximation of customer potential using PostGIS. Catchment areas.
Intersecting Tracks of individuals – MobilityDB
How to use MobilityDB for contact tracking. Extension built on top of PostGIS, specializing on processing and analysing spatio-temporal data
Intersecting GPS-Tracks to identify infected individuals
PostGIS' functions can be used to trace down infected people and their contact with healthy individuals | GPS-Tracks | spatial data
Visualizing OSM data in QGIS
Visualizing OSM datasets with QGIS. Generation of some nice maps on the client | Map Styling in QGIS | Adding Spatial data
Open Street Map to PostGIS - The Basics
OSM to PostGIS: The Basic steps to import Open Street Map data into PostGIS. Software prerequisites, data aquisition and database setup.