Distributed aggregates / aggregate pushdown in PostgreSQL
A feature from PostgreSQL 10 is related to Foreign Data Wrappers and is generally known as “aggregate pushdown”. Have a look!|
Visualizing data in PostgreSQL with R Shiny
R is excellent for data analysis and graphics. Here's how to write an R application visualize data in a PostgreSQL database with R Shiny
Autovacuum wraparound protection in PostgreSQL
Learn about one of the most misunderstood features in the PostgreSQL world: AUTOVACUUM and its “to prevent wraparound” notice.
Finding patterns in timeseries: A poor man's method
UPDATED Aug 2023: Learn a trick in PostgreSQL timeseries analysis: Look for trends or known patterns in data - encode timeseries as strings.
Writing your own aggregation functions
Database engines usually provide basic aggregate functions. This shows how to create your own code to calculate on the server side.
PostgreSQL: Indexes and foreign keys
Missing indexes and foreign keys may cause database performance problems. Learn how to speed up things dramatically - not only in PostgreSQL!
Why favor PostgreSQL over MariaDB / MySQL
For many years MySQL and PostgreSQL were competing databases, which addressed slightly different audiences. Why you should go for PostgreSQL!
Composite types in PostgreSQL: (func()).* - Hidden performance issues
Using composite types offers db developers a great deal of flexibility. Passing complex data to functions is a lot easier.
Removing duplicate rows in PostgreSQL
What if you accidently load data twice? How can developers handle duplicate data and cleanup things? | Removing duplicate rows.
Experimenting with scaling and full parallelism in PostgreSQL
How-to about scaling PostgreSQL to one billion rows per second. We show you hands-on how to get the most out of your PostgreSQL server farms.