Fed up with long WHERE-clauses?
What if you want to compare dozens of columns with each other in PostgreSQL? Find out how to do it right here.
PostgreSQL shutdown modes
PostgreSQL has three shutdown modes - smart, fast, immediate. Check out this blogpost to learn more about all of them.
Tracking changes in PostgreSQL
UPDATED 2023 - How to track changes made to tables in PostgreSQL - instructions how to use a generic changelog trigger for tracking changes.
Making random() deterministic - random generator in PostgreSQL
How to reproduce a random sequence of numbers. Reset the random generator to restart a certain value in PostgreSQL. random()
Security barriers: Cheating on the planner
UPDATED Aug. 2023 - How a security barrier can theoretically be used to speed up PostgreSQL queries and to see how PG works under the hood.
PostgreSQL: Finding Christmas presents
In this blog we are talking about KNN-search. KNN-search has been made for finding something close to what you are looking for.
effective_cache_size: Better set it right
effective_cache_size can have a serious impact on execution plans and change things dramatically. See what kind of difference it can make.
Operator classes explained
In this blog we are tallking about the topic operator class. We will show you some strategies for your database.
Common security issues prior to PostgreSQL 15
UPDATED July 2023: How to avoid security issues in PostgreSQL prior to v15 due to the public schema. Repair the problem.
Reducing space consumption
After digging through some customer source code yesterday I thought that it might be worth publishing a post about space consumption and enum types. It seems to be quite common to store status information as text fields. This is highly inefficient.