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Hans-Jürgen Schönig

Founder & CEO of CYBERTEC
Hans-Jürgen Schönig has worked with PostgreSQL since the 90's. He is the CEO and technical lead of CYBERTEC PostgreSQL International, a market leader in the field. He's served countless customers around the globe since the year 2000. He is also the author of the well-received "Mastering PostgreSQL" book series, as well as several other books about PostgreSQL replication and administration.

Articles by Hans-Jürgen Schönig

PostgreSQL grouping sets: ROLLUP & CUBE

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 08.2021
PostgreSQL is one of the best OLTP databases (OLTP = online transaction processing) in the world. However, it can do […]

PostgreSQL Security: 12 rules for database hardening

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 07.2021
UPDATED August 2023: Hardening PostgreSQL has become ever more important. Security is king these days and people want to know […]

PostgreSQL zheap: Current status

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 07.2021
zheap has been designed as a new storage engine to handle UPDATE in PostgreSQL more efficiently. A lot has happened […]


by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 07.2021
Most people in the SQL and in the PostgreSQL community have used the LIMIT clause provided by many database engines. […]

Understanding LATERAL joins in PostgreSQL

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 07.2021
LATERAL joins are one of the lesser-known features of PostgreSQL and other relational databases such as Oracle, DB2 and MS […]

Constraints over multiple rows in PostgreSQL

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 06.2021
Manage constraints over multiple rows: In PostgreSQL and many other relational databases, constraints are an integral part of the feature […]

Creating and refreshing materialized views in PostgreSQL

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 06.2021
A “materialized view” is a database object which stores the result of a precalculated database query and makes it easy […]

Data warehousing: Making use of synchronized seq scans

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 06.2021
PostgreSQL contains some hidden gems which have been around for many years and help to silently speed up your queries. […]

Enabling and disabling autovacuum in PostgreSQL

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 06.2021
UPDATED August 2023: Autovacuum has been part of PostgreSQL for a long time. But how does it really work? Can […]

PostgreSQL: Bulk loading huge amounts of data

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 05.2021
Bulk loading is the quickest way to import large amounts of data into a PostgreSQL database. There are various ways […]
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