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Pavlo Golub

Senior Developer & Consultant
Pavlo is a PostgreSQL expert and developer at CYBERTEC, PostgreSQL contributor and GSoC Org Admin. He's been working with PostgreSQL since 2002. He has an M.Ed. with an emphasis in Mathematics and Computer Science from the Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, and previously worked as a professor at the Kirovograd Medical Professional College. He is the co-founder of PostgreSQL Ukraine. He develops and maintains the PostgresDAC and pgxmock libraries, as well as the pgwatch, pg_timetable, and vip_manager projects.
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Articles by Pavlo Golub

pg_timetable v4.4 is available immediately!

by Pavlo Golub | 02.2022
Our team is proud to introduce a new pg_timetable v4.4 release! This time we focused on implementing a couple of […]

PostgreSQL on WSL2 for Windows: Install and setup

by Pavlo Golub | 11.2021
UPDATE on 23.02.2023: This post explains how to install PostgreSQL on WSL2 for Windows, apply the necessary changes to PostgreSQL […]

SHOW TABLES in PostgreSQL: what's wrong with it?

by Pavlo Golub | 10.2021
In this article, I will answer the questions: why isn't there a  SHOW TABLES command in PostgreSQL, when will SHOW […]

PostgreSQL schedulers: comparison table

by Pavlo Golub | 09.2021
Hello, my name is Pavlo Golub, and I am a scheduler addict. That began when I implemented pg_timetable for PostgreSQL. […]

pg_timetable v4 is out and available immediately!

by Pavlo Golub | 08.2021
Our team is proud to introduce a new major pg_timetable v4 release! This time a huge amount of work has […]

PostgreSQL GitHub Actions - Continuous Integration

by Pavlo Golub | 03.2021
Intro GitHub Actions (GHA) are altogether a piece of excellent machinery for continuous integration or other automated tasks on your […]

pg_timetable: asynchronous chain execution

by Pavlo Golub | 02.2021
Intro - asynchronous chain execution in pg_timetable I wrote about the new pg_timetable 3 major release not so long ago. […]

PostgreSQL exclusive chain cron jobs using pg_timetable

by Pavlo Golub | 12.2020
I wrote about the new pg_timetable 3 major release not so long ago. Two essential features were highlighted:- new session […]

pg_timetable v3 is out!

by Pavlo Golub | 11.2020
As you probably know, pg_timetable is the advanced PostgreSQL cron compatible scheduler already released! Usually, any major release introduces absolutely […]

pg_timetable: start-up improvements

by Pavlo Golub | 07.2020
¡Hola, queridos amigos! We've released several valuable features for pg_timetable in May. It's summer already, and time is flying fast! […]
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