PostgreSQL powers many applications. In this blog posting you can read more about how to debug database applications effectively.
"PostgreSQL scales" - what does it mean? Find out what 1 trillion rows in Citus is all about in this blog post.
This article describes the little known parameter stats_fetch_consistency and its potential applications for statistics collection.
We are delighted to announce that PGDay Austria will be returning to Vienna in 2025. Find all updates on the event here.
In this blog posting you can read more about one of the fundamental principles in the realm of databases: "Normalization".
This article offers a comparison between the transaction systems of Oracle and PostgreSQL to help you spot potential migration problems.
In this blog posting you can read more about PostgreSQL streaming replication. It tells you about how to deal with it and how it works.
This article explains the error message "found xmin ... from before relfrozenxid ..." and shows how you can fix the problem.
Ants Aasma visited the P2D in Prague in January 2025. He has summarised what he experienced and what he has to say in this blog post.
This post explains how this works and how such a LOGON/LOGIN trigger can be implemented and used in real life.
We benchmark the performance boost that you can get by tuning commit_delay with a workload of small transactions.
The more columns your GROUP BY statement contains, the more likely it is that optimizer overestimates the row count. Read more how to handle.
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