Customers have often asked me what I think of “Entity-attribute-value” (EAV) design. So I thought it would be a […]
UPDATE on 23.02.2023: This post explains how to install PostgreSQL on WSL2 for Windows, apply the necessary changes to PostgreSQL […]
  (Updated 2023-06-22) If you've heard about TCP keepalive but aren't sure what that is, read on. If you've ever […]
  Both cursors and transactions are basic ingredients for developing a database application. This article describes how cursors and transactions […]
In this article, I will answer the questions: why isn't there a  SHOW TABLES command in PostgreSQL, when will SHOW […]
Importing OpenStreetMap data into PostGIS is time-consuming. Download OpenStreetMap offers two dataset types periodically served as sql dumps.
  Most database tables have an artificial numeric primary key, and that number is usually generated automatically using a sequence. […]
  The comprehensive JSON support in PostgreSQL is one of its best-loved features. Many people – particularly those with a […]
Oracle to PostgreSQL migration - Lessons learned in building a migration tool. How to avoid errors, null bytes and broken content.
Hello, my name is Pavlo Golub, and I am a scheduler addict. That began when I implemented pg_timetable for PostgreSQL. […]
This post describes when to create indexes, before or after bulk loading of the data. Improve your PostgreSQL performance by doing it right.
  PostgreSQL v12 brought more efficient storage for indexes, and v13 improved that even more by adding deduplication of index […]
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