Some important work is also going into the PGStrom project, which is all about bringing the power of modern GPUs to PostgreSQL
Fuzzy search solves the problem of spelling errors in searches. The goal is really to make sure that users have a chance - even with typos.
JSON is used for configuration, data transfer, and a lot more. Luckily PostgreSQL is pretty good at it. Turn xlog into JSON.
Many cool new features have been added to the wonderful PostgreSQL 9.5 release. One of the most exciting ones is definitely SKIP LOCKED.
In PostgreSQL all major DDLs (CREATE TABLE, ...) are fully transactional. However, there are some exceptions.
What if a temporary table in PostgreSQL has the same name as a “real” table? What happens? Find out about naming temporary tables properly.
UPDATED August 2023: How to tune shared buffers - when it is large, PostgreSQL performance issues may result: what to do to fix the problem.
In this blog ppost we cover the impact of aggregate FILTER clauses have on performance. Find out more about aggregation filters.
Partial aggregation: Functions such as min, max, count, sum, avg and so on are used in virtually every application. Find out more.
How to adjust backup speed when using pg_basebackup in PostgreSQL. What if the I/O capacity of servers is low & network bandwidth is large?
I received a question about how to fork PostgreSQL databases like you can do on Heroku. As I did not […]
There is a PostgreSQL feature in the area of analytics which is not widely known: the power to use composite data types along with analytics.
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