By coincidence I noticed that psql can produce perfect LaTeX code. How cool is that? We show you how to do it, with examples.
How to group PostgreSQL data with some dirty SQL trickery. Find the difference between timestamps; how to use flexible grouping.
Indexing Wikipedia with PostgreSQL | The goal is to see which settings are most suitable for the creation of a GIN index.
Finding slow queries using the PostgreSQL extension pg_stat_statements. Improve your database performance and monitoring.
Unfortunately PostgreSQL cannot scale a single query to more than one core. We have done some experiments to see how scaling up can work.
Test of performance using pgstrom with joins in PostgreSQL. Find out how pgstrom performs under different join conditions.
A more extensive look at pgstrom (a module to make use of GPUs for PostgreSQL). I was excited to see the first real performance data.
Some important work is also going into the PGStrom project, which is all about bringing the power of modern GPUs to PostgreSQL
Fuzzy search solves the problem of spelling errors in searches. The goal is really to make sure that users have a chance - even with typos.
JSON is used for configuration, data transfer, and a lot more. Luckily PostgreSQL is pretty good at it. Turn xlog into JSON.
Many cool new features have been added to the wonderful PostgreSQL 9.5 release. One of the most exciting ones is definitely SKIP LOCKED.
In PostgreSQL all major DDLs (CREATE TABLE, ...) are fully transactional. However, there are some exceptions.
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