You might not want to replicate all data to your standbys. walbouncer can filter the transaction log, & replicate only the data needed.
There are a couple of ways to kill indexing entirely. One of this ways is to apply functions or expressions. Read out in our blog.
This week I started my preparations for one of my talks in Madrid. The topic is: "Joining 1 million tables". […]
Internally PostgreSQL makes use of so called “memory contexts”. What is the idea and what are the advantages? Find out here.
Keep the order of your columns in mind to unleash optimization potentials and reduce the table size in your PostgreSQL database.
pg_resetxlog was formerly a feature of PostgreSQL. This has been renamed to pg_resetwal, see the update in the blog.
Out of plain curiosity I decided to start a little analysis regarding the code size of the PostgreSQL project over time.
UPDATED JUL 2023 How to load data fast and efficiently in PostgreSQL using COPY (FREEZE). Organize data nicely by instantly writing hint bits.
UPDATED June 2023: What are hint bits in PostgreSQL? Hint bits improve PostgreSQL performance - find out why and how. Includes code examples.
UPDATED Sept. 2023 - A couple of years ago I stumbled over an interesting PostgreSQL issue which is commonly known as “cross correlation”.
The PostgreSQL planner optimizes your queries, and mostly does it right. The question is: How to figure out when & where things do go wrong?
Frequently PostgreSQL client applications are flooded with log messages from the server. Correct this by changing the server configuration.
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