stats_fetch_consistency: caching PostgreSQL monitoring statistics?
Laurenz Albe |
03.2025This article describes the little known parameter stats_fetch_consistency and its potential applications for statistics collection.
PostgreSQL: To normalize or not to normalize?
The concept of "normalization" is often the first thing people who are new to databases are going to learn. We […]
Comparison of the transaction systems of Oracle and PostgreSQL
Laurenz Albe |
02.2025This article offers a comparison between the transaction systems of Oracle and PostgreSQL to help you spot potential migration problems.
End of the road for PostgreSQL streaming replication?
In this blog posting you can read more about PostgreSQL streaming replication. It tells you about how to deal with it and how it works.
Dealing with the PostgreSQL error "found xmin ... from before relfrozenxid ..."
Laurenz Albe |
02.2025This article explains the error message "found xmin ... from before relfrozenxid ..." and shows how you can fix the problem.
Logon trigger in PostgreSQL
This post explains how this works and how such a LOGON/LOGIN trigger can be implemented and used in real life.
# GROUP BY: Fixing optimizer estimates
The more columns your GROUP BY statement contains, the more likely it is that optimizer overestimates the row count. Read more how to handle.
The power of open source in PostgreSQL
Laurenz Albe |
01.2025The power of open source helps us find out how a PostgreSQL parameter got its value. Unravel history with Git and the mailing list archive!
PostgreSQL Development Introduction
In this post, you'll learn about PostgreSQL development for beginners.
Prerequisites include basic C, Git, GNU Make and SQL knowledge, and feeling comfortable working within the Linux terminal.
Quick start: How to build your first PostgreSQL container
Learn to build your first PostgreSQL container and optimize it effectively in our Docker and Kubernetes series.