Category: How To

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What hot_standby_feedback in PostgreSQL really does

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 08.2018
How to avoid streaming replication conflicts with hot_standby_feedback and VACUUM. Improve your replication setup and prevent failure.

A beginners guide to PostgreSQL's UPDATE and autovacuum

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 07.2018
This article is a beginners guide about how PostgreSQL handles UPDATEs, about VACUUM as well as autovacuum and it's limitations.

Adding an index can decrease SELECT performance

by Laurenz Albe | 06.2018
  We all know that you have to pay a price for a new index you create — data modifying […]

PostgreSQL: Detecting periods of activity in a timeseries

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 05.2018
PostgreSQL is a nice tool to handle activity in a timeseries. One of the more challenging tasks is to detect periods of constant activity.


by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 05.2018
A view is a virtual table based on a SQL statement. What happens if the data structure of the underlying PostgreSQL table changes?

Mapping Oracle datatypes to PostgreSQL

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 05.2018
How to map Oracle datatypes to PostgreSQL in the best way - this post helps you by making your migration to PostgreSQL as simple as possible.

Building PostgreSQL with MSYS2 and MinGW under Windows

by Pavlo Golub | 05.2018
In this blog you will learn how to build PostgreSQL from sources under Windows using MSYS2 and MinGW-64 in easy steps.

PostgreSQL: Sharing data across function calls

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 05.2018
Recently I did some PostgreSQL consulting in the Berlin area (Germany) when I stumbled over an interesting request: How can […]

ora_migrator: migration from Oracle to PostgreSQL

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 04.2018
ora_migrator is a migration tool, which makes migration as simple as possible: It only takes a single SQL statement to migrate a database.

What's in an xmax?

by Laurenz Albe | 04.2018
xmax is a PostgreSQL system column that is used to implement Multiversion Concurrency Control (MVCC). The documentation is somewhat terse: […]
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