commit_delay for better performance: a PostgreSQL benchmark
Laurenz Albe |
01.2025We benchmark the performance boost that you can get by tuning commit_delay with a workload of small transactions.
Dealing with trigger recursion in PostgreSQL
Laurenz Albe |
10.2024This article describes the problem of endless trigger recursion in PostgreSQL and shows how to deal with it and get good performance.
(Updated 2024-12-23) Among the many index types in PostgreSQL, the hash index is the most widely ignored. This came home […]
Kill long running queries in PostgreSQL
How to detect and terminate long running queries in PostgreSQL using two different methods. Also: How to automatically kill slow queries.
pg_stat_io and PostgreSQL 16 performance
How to use pg_stat_io for true debugging power in PostgreSQL v16. Offers deep insights into database I/O behavior & performance.
Monitoring Performance for PostgreSQL with Citus
Monitoring PostgreSQL with Citus: how to leverage monitoring to optimize PostgreSQL + Citus distributed database performance.
Monitoring PostgreSQL replication
How to monitor replication lag in PostgreSQL? What is replication lag? And how to best go about monitoring PostgreSQL replication in general?
Citus: Sharding your first table
Here’s how to shard a table from scratch with Citus. Scale PostgreSQL DBs using a sharding approach. How to run a Citus Docker container.
Indexing "LIKE" in PostgreSQL and Oracle
Laurenz Albe |
08.2023© Laurenz Albe 2023 Unless you use the binary collation, creating a b-tree index to support a LIKE condition in […]
Bulk load performance in PostgreSQL
Laurenz Albe |
08.2023 There are several techniques to bulk load data into PostgreSQL. I decided to compare their performance in a simple […]