Category: Performance

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int4 vs int8 vs uuid vs numeric performance on bigger joins

by CYBERTEC Guest | 04.2017
Some weeks ago at pgDay Paris, during the evening social event, we got into a small "guestimation" with another Postgres […]

Composite types in PostgreSQL: (func()).* - Hidden performance issues

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 04.2017
Using composite types offers db developers a great deal of flexibility. Passing complex data to functions is a lot easier.

Checkpoint distance and amount of WAL

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 01.2017
Tuning the database server affects the amount of WAL written to disk. Fewer checkpoints are a good idea for bigger databases.

Trying out Postgres Bloom indexes

by CYBERTEC Guest | 12.2016
By Kaarel Moppel - First - if the word “Bloom” doesn’t yet resonate with you in Postgres context, I’d recommend […]

So what are Bloom indexes for Postgres?

by CYBERTEC Guest | 12.2016
By Kaarel Moppel - A new feature called Bloom indexing (an implementation of Bloom filters) slipped in somewhat quietly with […]

Parallel queries and SERIALIZABLE transactions

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 11.2016
In version 9.6 PostgreSQL introduced parallel queries. The ability to use more than just one CPU core per query is […]

Introducing pg_squeeze - a PostgreSQL extension to auto-rebuild bloated tables

by CYBERTEC Guest | 10.2016
By Kaarel Moppel - Auto-rebuild bloated tables with pg_squeeze: One of the few areas where out-of-the-box functionality by PostgreSQL is […]

Connection pooling intro - PgBouncer and pgpool-II

by CYBERTEC Guest | 10.2016
When doing PostgreSQL consulting the other day, the talk went to the topic of connection pools - namely what approaches […]

The "synchronous_commit" parameter and streaming replication

by CYBERTEC Guest | 09.2016
By Kaarel Moppel - If you're not yet familiar with the Postgres "synchronous_commit"  parameter, you should definitely keep reading. It's […]

Will more disks get you better PostgreSQL performance?

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 09.2016
Find out whether to buy more hardware to fix performance problems - which are in many cases not caused by bad disk performance.
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