commit_delay for better performance: a PostgreSQL benchmark

01.2025 / Category: / Tags:

commit_delay for more efficiency: a woman tells her friend on the phone that they can have a double wedding now that the friend got a proposal
© Laurenz Albe 2024

(Updated 2025-02-11) During training sessions, I tell my students how they can tune transactional workloads by disabling the parameter synchronous_commit. It is easy to demonstrate the striking effects of that measure, but the possibility to lose committed transactions during an operating system crash makes it a non-starter for many applications. So I tell the students about commit_delay and commit_siblings, but when they ask me for a demonstration, I have to tell them that that would be too complicated. So I decided to try it out and write about it.

WAL flushes as a bottleneck for transactional database workloads

To make sure that committed transactions cannot get lost, PostgreSQL has to make sure that the WAL for the transaction is flushed to disk before it can report success to the client. If the database workload is dominated by small data modifications, the IOPS generated by these transactions can saturate the disk, even though the amount of data written is moderate.

The parameter pair commit_delay and commit_siblings can relax the bottleneck by reducing the number of IOPS necessary for those WAL flushes.

How do commit_delay and commit_siblings work?

You activate the feature by setting commit_delay to a value greater than zero. Whenever a transaction reaches the point where it would flush the WAL to disk during a commit, it first examines how many other transactions are currently active. If there are at least commit_siblings other transactions open and not waiting for a lock, PostgreSQL doesn't flush the WAL immediately, but waits for commit_delay microseconds. After that delay, some other transactions may have reached the point when they are ready to flush the WAL. All these backends can then perform their WAL flush in a single I/O operation.

commit_delay is not easy to tune, because the delay will make the transaction take longer. On the other hand, if you choose a value that is too low, no other transaction might be ready by the time the delay has passed, and you cannot reduce the number of IOPS performed. The alternative way to deal with the problem of I/O load caused by WAL flushes is synchronous_commit. Turning this parameter off will be more effective than fiddling with commit_delay and commit_siblings. However, disabling synchronous_commit means that you can lose some committed transactions after a crash. The big advantage of using commit_delay and commit_siblings is that transaction durability is not affected: you cannot lose committed transactions, because COMMIT will always wait until the WAL flush is complete.

Setup for the commit_delay benchmark

The benchmark was run on my ASUS ZenBook UX433F notebook with local NVME disk, 8 CPU cores and 16GB RAM. I set shared_buffers = 3GB, max_wal_size = 100GB and checkpoint_timeout = 15min. Then I initialized the standard pgbench database with a scale factor of 100. I used pg_prewarm to load all the pgbench tables and indexes into shared buffers. That way, there should be no reading I/O ever, and, apart from checkpoints, the only I/O would be WAL writes.

The pgbench command I used was

Throttling the disk

The built-in NVME in my laptop is so powerful that I couldn't saturate it with pgbench. Therefore, I decided to use Linux control groups to throttle the device to 1000 IOPS. On my Fedora 40 system, I had to enable I/O control for the systemd slices:

Then, I could set the IOPS limit on the NVME for writing for the PostgreSQL v17 service:

You could argue that that makes my test artificial. However, people who host their databases in a public cloud are constrained by limits just like this one. And then, you can never directly apply the results of a benchmark to a different system and workload anyway.

Results of the commit_delay benchmark

Benchmark results
commit_delay transactions per second IOPS
0 μs 1576 1000
10 μs 1703 1000
30 μs 1715 1000
50 μs 1778 1000
100 μs 1837 1000
200 μs 1933 1000
500 μs 2183 1000
750 μs 2583 900
1000 μs 2738 600
1250 μs 2508 510
1500 μs 2397 480
2000 μs 2051 430

We achieved the best performance with a commit_delay of 1000 μs. With that setting, pgbench performed somewhat less than twice as many transactions per second than without commit_delay. It is interesting to note that at the optimum, the disk is far from saturated, so it might be possible to achieve even better results.


While commit_delay doesn't boost the performance of a transactional workload in the same way that synchronous_commit = off can, we were still able to achieve a substantial performance improvement. If you cannot afford to lose transactions after an operating system crash, tuning commit_delay is the best you can do to speed up a workload consisting of short transactions.

4 responses to “commit_delay for better performance: a PostgreSQL benchmark”

  1. Hi, tkanks for this very interesting blog. You talk about the value of commit_delay, but what about commit_siblings, the default value of 5 is good, what's your point of view?

    • I had enough to do to test all kinds of settings for commit_delay. Varying commit_siblings as well would have been too much.
      So I don't know. My guess would be that the longer your transactions are, the higher the value would have to be. But then the feature really only makes sense with short transactions, so I find it hard to make a guess.

    • Using commit_delay and commit_siblings does not affect durability. That's the great advantage of this method.
      I have edited the article to highlight this important fact. Thanks for reminding me!

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