CYBERTEC Migrator: Superior user experience

Enterprise-grade migrations are not easy; often, complexity, inconvenience and pain take over. We at CYBERTEC understand this problem, and we therefore focus on:

  • Usability
  • Efficiency
  • Customer experience

Touring a typical Oracle to PostgreSQL migration

CYBERTEC Migrator is beautiful and easy to use. Let’s take a visual tour through our migrator, and learn how easy it can be to move from Oracle to PostgreSQL. 

Step 1: Creating a migration project

Simply enter your connect strings (Oracle and PostgreSQL), verify your connections and CYBERTEC Migrator will connect to Oracle and inspect the database.

Create Migration - Migrator

Create Migration-Source Database

Target Database - Migrator

Create Migration-Target Database

Step 2: Reading metadata from Oracle

CYBERTEC Migrator will connect to your database and read all the metadata from Oracle to prepare for the migration project. 

Read Metadata - Migrator

Create Migration-Reading Source Database Meta Data

Step 3: Assess the migration

Quickly investigate the cost of a migration and the number of objects, tables, procedures, and a lot more, within your database.

Overview - Migrator

Migration Overview -Assess the migration

Our tool will give you an overview and provide you with estimates which can directly be used to plan your migration project.

Step 4: Include and exclude tables

Quickly investigate the cost of a migration: 

Control Migration, skip data - Migrator

Control migration-skip data migration

Step 5: Adjust your data structures

The CYBERTEC Migrator allows you to adjust your data structures before the migration. Quickly and easily change data types and adjust constraints, NULL values and a lot more. 

Adjust Table Columns - Migrator

Adjust Table Columns

In addition to tables, it is also possible to adjust the definitions of views visually. Simply use our editor to make changes.

Step 6: Running your migration in stages

A migration from Oracle to PostgreSQL runs in stages. You can adjust the desired behavior at every step of the way, and re-run those stages one by one to create a final “definition” of the migration, which is then executed perfectly. 

Migration Stages - Migrator

Migration Stages

Proper error handling can be configured at every stage. 

Control Migration Start - Migrator

Control migration: Start

Step 7: Managing procedures

Migrating stored procedures can turn out to be the bulk of your migration efforts. We offer an easy-to-use editor to help you adjust code and track what you have done. Make your changes and check them immediately; figure out what is working, and what is not. 

Code Editor - Migrator

Code editor – Managing Procedures

If you don’t want to migrate a function, because it’s broken or because it’s not needed anymore, it can be removed from the migration process simply and intuitively:

Exclude DBOs from Migration - Migrator

Exclude DBOs from migration

Step 8: Handling errors and fixing them

Any migration involving more than simple, flat tables will present you with changes that have to be made in order to load data into PostgreSQL. Finding and managing those changes is important to reduce the manual input needed to efficiently transform the database.

Error handling is therefore an essential part of the tooling, to make it even easier for developers and project managers alike.

Migration Log - Migrator

Migration log: Handling errors and fixing them

Step 9: Observing success

Quickly investigate the cost of a migration: 

Finished Migration - Migrator

Observing success: finished migration

Request a free demo

Contact us today and request a free live demonstration of the full CYBERTEC Migrator user experience. We are more than happy to show you how the CYBERTEC Migrator works!

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