CYPEX Online Academy - Application Design Best Practice

Make great applications

Each of the sections below describes an element of design best practice for your CYPEX applications. Use these techniques to speed development and increase the capabilities and flexibility of your applications.

10.1 Add an autocomplete field to an application

This video explains how to add a drop-down field to an existing application by linking GUI elements together. Learn how to add such a field and connect the dots. Use standard data sources (queries) to feed a drop-down element with data.

CYPEX Design Best Practice: Add Autocomplete Field

10.2 Show current user data

CYPEX does a great deal of internal user and authentication management. This sample will show how to display this data and make information accessible to end-users quickly. You will learn how to build an application using the admin panel to create queries and the visual editor to layout the application.

CYPEX Design Best Practice: Show Current User Data

10.3 Sending email with pg_timetable (sample app)

In pg_timetable, sending an email is a so-called “built-in” task. As soon as pg_timetable has all the configuration set up to send an email, use SQL to populate the pg_timetable infrastructure to send email. Then build a CYPEX form to display all the information needed to gather the information to send emails.

CYPEX Design Best Practice: Sending emails with pg_timetable

This video shows how to link two tables together and make them dependent on each other. The basic idea behind linked objects can be applied to other types of GUI elements as well. The method is the same: it gives a lot of flexibility to app developers and makes full use of the graphical editor.

10.5 Refresh after saving a form (sample app)

The real challenge when building an application is to define the interaction between elements on the screen. CYPEX has various methods to configure the interaction of objects. This video shows the most common dependency between objects: Having one object refresh in case some other object is changed.

CYPEX Design Best Practice: Refresh a form after the “Save” action

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