Parallel queries were introduced back in PostgreSQL 9.6, and the feature has been extended ever since. In PostgreSQL 11 and PostgreSQL 12, even more functionality has been added to the database engine. However, there remain some questions related to parallel queries which often pop up during training and which definitely deserve some clarification.
Table of Contents
To show you how the process works, I have created a simple table containing just two columns:
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test=# CREATE TABLE t_test AS SELECT id AS many, id % 2 AS few FROM generate_series(1, 10000000) AS id; SELECT 10000000 test=# ANALYZE; ANALYZE |
The "many" column contains 10 million different entries. The "few" column will contain two different ones. However, for the sake of this example, all reasonably large tables will do.
The query we want to use to show how the PostgreSQL optimizer works is pretty simple:
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test=# SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO 0; SET test=# explain SELECT count(*) FROM t_test; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aggregate (cost=169248.60..169248.61 rows=1 width=8) -> Seq Scan on t_test (cost=0.00..144248.48 rows=10000048 width=0) (2 rows) |
The default configuration will automatically make PostgreSQL go for a parallel sequential scan; we want to prevent it from doing that in order to make things easier to read.
Turning off parallel queries can be done by setting the max_parallel_workers_per_gather variable to 0. As you can see in the execution plan, the cost of the sequential scan is estimated to be 144.248. The cost of the total query is expected to be 169.248. But how does PostgreSQL come up with this number? Let’s take a look at the following listings:
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test=# SELECT pg_relation_size('t_test') AS size, pg_relation_size('t_test') / 8192 AS blocks; size | blocks -----------+-------- 362479616 | 44248 (1 row) |
The t_test table is around 350 MB and consists of 44.248 blocks. Each block has to be read and processed sequentially. All rows in those blocks have to be counted to create the final results. The following formula will be used by the optimizer to estimate the costs:
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test=# SELECT current_setting('seq_page_cost')::numeric * 44248 + current_setting('cpu_tuple_cost')::numeric * 10000000 + current_setting('cpu_operator_cost')::numeric * 10000000; ?column? ------------- 169248.0000 (1 row) |
As you can see, a couple of parameters are being used here: seq_page_cost tells the optimizer the cost of reading a block sequentially. On top of that, we have to account for the fact that all those rows have to travel through the CPU (cpu_tuple_cost) before they are finally counted. cpu_operator_cost is used because counting is basically the same as calling "+1" for every row. The total cost of the sequential scan is therefore 169.248 which is exactly what we see in the plan.
The way PostgreSQL estimates sequential scans is often a bit obscure to people end during database training here at Cybertec many people ask about this topic. Let’s therefore take a look at the execution plan and see what happens:
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test=# SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO default; SET test=# explain SELECT count(*) FROM t_test; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finalize Aggregate (cost=97331.80..97331.81 rows=1 width=8) -> Gather (cost=97331.58..97331.79 rows=2 width=8) Workers Planned: 2 -> Partial Aggregate (cost=96331.58..96331.59 rows=1 width=8) -> Parallel Seq Scan on t_test (cost=0.00..85914.87 rows=4166687 width=0) (5 rows) |
As you can see, PostgreSQL decided on using two CPU cores. But how did PostgreSQL
come up with this part? "rows=4166687"
The answer lies in the following formula:
10000048.0 / (2 + (1 - 0.3 * 2)) = 4166686.66 rows
10.000.048 rows is the number of rows PostgreSQL expects to be in the table (as
determined by ANALYZE before). The next thing is that PostgreSQL tries to
determine how much work has to be done by one core. But what does the formula
actually mean?
estimate = estimated_rows / (number_of_cores + (1 - leader_contribution * number_of_cores)
The leader process often spends quite some effort contributing to the result.
However, we assume that the leader spends around 30% of its time servicing the
worker processes. Therefore the contribution of the leader will go down as the
number of cores grows. If there are 4 or more cores at work, the leader will not
make a meaningful contribution to the scan anymore-- so PostgreSQL will simply
calculate the size of the tables by the number of cores, instead of using the
formula just shown.
Other parallel operations will use similar divisors to estimate the amount of
effort needed for those operations. Bitmap scans and so on work the same way.
If you want to learn more about PostgreSQL and if you want to know how to speed
up CREATE INDEX, consider checking out our blog post.
Interesting post.
Could have been completed by showing how postgres comes up with the parallel cost though:
SELECT current_setting('seq_page_cost')::numeric * 44248
current_setting('cpu_tuple_cost')::numeric * 4166686.66
current_setting('cpu_operator_cost')::numeric * 4166686.66