Kubernetes- and OpenShift- ready migration to PostgreSQL

The CYBERTEC Migrator is Kubernetes- and OpenShift-ready.

We rely on modern container technology,  perfect for quick deployment. Conveniently scale your deployments and ensure the round-the-clock reliability of your databases. CYBERTEC’s Kubernetes- and OpenShift- ready migration to PostgreSQL means your enterprise is ahead of the game before others have even lined up at the starting gate.

Logos Kubernetes & OpenShift

Why do our enterprise customers want Kubernetes- and OpenShift- ready migrations?

Containers come with significant benefits. Kubernetes– and OpenShift- ready migrations help our clients achieve their advanced migration goals. Enjoy the advantages:

  • Easy deployment
  • Quick update and upgrade cycles
  • Reliable operations
  • Easy integration with existing systems
  • No licence costs for additional instances of PostgreSQL

The days of monolithic databases are numbered.

Containerized PostgreSQL databases handle large amounts of data adeptly and flexibly. A big advantage is that the storage performance and capacity of containerized databases can be scaled independently from the number of available cores. Even better, PostgreSQL’s open source licence means that additional instances do not incur additional licencing costs.

CYBERTEC’s years of migration experience

If you are planning to use PostgreSQL with Docker and Kubernetes, CYBERTEC’s Migrator is ready to move your data from Oracle. We have helped many companies achieve this goal, and are happy to share our experiences with you. Benefit from our experts, who can easily fix what others would take days to understand. We also help to install, run and manage your PostgreSQL/Kubernetes infrastructure. Since we constantly migrate companies from Oracle, we use both our in-depth knowledge as well as all the latest techniques to get results for you.

Docker and PostgreSQL make a great team, allowing our customers to get an edge over competitors:

We use Docker containers to deploy the CYBERTEC Migrator and rely on a proven, stable and reliable platform – making your life easier than ever before.

  • Readily scale and move applications
  • Avoid load spikes
  • Increase flexibility
Running Postgres in Docker

Request a free demo

Contact us today and request a free live demonstration of Kubernetes- & OpenShift- ready migration. We are more than happy to show you how the CYBERTEC Migrator works!

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