Operator classes explained

11.2013 / Category: / Tags: |

After my morning session in Dublin some people asked me to share the codes of an operator class I created for demo reasons. This posting is supposed to cover those codes.

What is an operator class?

In PostgreSQL an index is not a hardwired thing, capable of following just one strategy. Instead an index is more of a framework people can use to implement their own indexing strategies. What is the point of all that?

Let us consider two values stored in a database:

At first glance those two numbers seem to be in their right order (alphabetical). However, in reality they are not. Those two odd numbers are in fact Austrian social security numbers. The first number is related to the 9th of August 1978 (09 = day of month, 08 = month, 78 = year). 1118 is just a sequential number issued by the social security system. Taking into account that 1977 was actually before 1978 the second number should be the first entry in a sorted list.

The fact that those numbers need a “strange” sort order create some challenge when it comes to indexing this stuff.  This is exactly when PostgreSQL operator classes kick in. An operator allows a user to create his own handcrafted indexing strategy. As the name (= operator class) already implies, creating an indexing strategy is all about operators. The goal is to create our own operators and use them alongside a normal btree.

Here is how it works:

First of all we create a simple stored procedure capable of transforming our strange string and turn it into something which can be sorted normally:

The clue here is that we can now use our own logic to compare values and turn this logic into operators. To do so we need a set of functions:

In PostgreSQL every operator is simply based on a stored procedure. So if you have proper procedures at hand already, it is pretty simple to turn those into operators. CREATE OPERATOR does the job:

If you want to create an operator you have to tell PostgreSQL which function to call. Then we have to map the left and the right argument to our two arguments passed to the function. Of course, there are more features here which can be used to make this work even better, but for the most simplistic stuff this is enough.

The names of those operators make no difference here. However, I would recommend to use something readable.

Support functions

Before an index shows us how to handle a new strategy, we have to define some support functions. Depending on the type of index we will need different sets of support functions. In our case we are planning to use a simple btree so all we need is a comparison function returning a simple integer value:

Creating the operator class

Now we have all ingredients in place to use our own indexing strategy. All it takes now is one last command:

We have to tell the index which operators to use when and which support functions to use. In case of btrees this is really simple.

We can already create an index using our own operator class now:

The optimizer is already capable of using our index:

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