PostgreSQL: ANALYZE and optimizer statistics

02.2021 / Category: / Tags: |

Our PostgreSQL 24x7 support team recently received a request from one of our customers who was facing a performance problem. The solution to the problem could be found in the way PostgreSQL handles query optimization (specifically, statistics). So I thought it would be nice to share some of this knowledge with my beloved readers. The topic of this post is therefore: What kinds of statistics does PostgreSQL store, and where can they be found? Let’s dive in and find out.

The purpose of optimizer statistics

Before we dig into PostgreSQL optimization and statistics, it makes sense to understand how PostgreSQL runs a query. The typical process works as follows:

PostgreSQL query execution, run query

First, PostgreSQL parses the query. Then, the traffic cop separates the utility commands (ALTER, CREATE, DROP, GRANT, etc.) from the rest. After that, the entire thing goes through the rewrite system, which is in charge of handling rules and so on.

Next comes the optimizer - which is supposed to produce the best plan possible. The plan can then be executed by the executor. The main question now is: What does the optimizer do to find the best possible plan? In addition to many mathematical transformations, it uses statistics to estimate the number of rows involved in a query. Let’s take a look and see:

I have created 1 million rows and told the system to calculate statistics for this data. To make things fit onto my website, I also told PostgreSQL to reduce the precision of the statistics. By default, the statistics target is 100. However, I decided to use 10 here, to make things more readable - but more on that later.

Now let’s run a simple query:

What we see here is that PostgreSQL expected 145.000 rows to be returned by the sequential scan. This information is highly important because if the system knows what to expect, it can adjust its strategy accordingly (index, no index, etc.). In my case there are only two choices:

  • Sequential scan
  • Parallel sequential scan.

All I did was to change the number in the WHERE-clause and all of a sudden, the plan has changed. The first query expected a fairly big result set; therefore it was not useful to fire up parallelism, because collecting all those rows in the gather node would have been too expensive. In the second example, the seq scan rarely yields rows - so a parallel query makes sense.

To find the best strategy, PostgreSQL relies on statistics to give the optimizer an indication of what to expect. The better the statistics, the better PostgreSQL can optimize the query.

Inspecting optimizer statistics

If you want to see which kind of data PostgreSQL uses, you can take a look at pg_stats which is a view that displays statistics to the user. Here is the content of the view:

Let's go through this step-by-step and dissect what kind of data the planner can use:

  • schemaname + tablename + attname: For each column in each table in every schema PostgreSQL will store one line of data.
  • inherited: Are we looking at an inherited / partitioned table or not?
  • null_fraction: What percentage of the column contains NULL values? This is important if you have something like “WHERE col IS NULL” or “WHERE col IS NOT NULL
  • avg_width: What is the average expected width of the column?
  • n_distinct: Expected number of different entries in the column
  • most_common_vals: We have more precise information for the most frequently occurring values. This is especially important if the entries in the table are not evenly distributed.
  • most_common_freqs: What is the frequency of those most common values? PostgreSQL stores a percentage value here. Eg: “Male” is a frequent entry and 54.32% of entries are male.
  • histogram_bounds: PostgreSQL uses a histogram to store the distribution of data. In case the statistics target is 100 the database will store 101 entries to indicate the boundaries within the data (1% steps).
  • correlation: The optimizer also wants to know something about the physical order of data on disk. It makes a difference if data is stored in order (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, …) or randomly (6, 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, …). In case we are looking for ranges fewer blocks are needed to read sorted data. This is especially important if you want to make use of BRIN indexes.

Finally, there are some entries related to arrays - but let’s not worry about those for the moment. Rather, let’s take a look at some sample content:

In this listing, you can see what PostgreSQL knows about our table. In the “id” column, the histogram part is most important: “{47,102906,205351,301006,402747,503156,603102,700866,802387,901069,999982}”. PostgreSQL thinks that the smallest value is 47. 10% are smaller than 102906, 20% are expected to be smaller than 205351, and so on. What is also interesting here is the n_distinct: -1 basically means that all values are different. This is important if you are using GROUP BY. In the case of GROUP BY the optimizer wants to know how many groups to expect. n_distinct is used in many cases to provide us with that estimate.

In the case of the “name” column we can see that “hans” is the most frequent value (100%). That’s why we don’t get a histogram.

Of course, there is a lot more to say about how the PostgreSQL optimizer operates. However, to start out with, it is very useful to have a basic understanding of the way Postgres uses statistics.

Autovacuum and statistics

In general, PostgreSQL generates statistics pretty much automatically. The autovacuum daemon takes care that statistics are updated on a regular basis. Statistics are the fuel needed to optimize queries properly. That’s why they are super important.

If you want to create statistics manually, you can always run ANALYZE. However, in most use cases, autovacuum is just fine.

Finally ...

If you want to learn more about query optimization in general you might want to check out my blog post about GROUP BY. It contains some valuable tips to run analytical queries faster.

Also, If you have any comments, feel free to share them in the Disqus section below. If there are any topics you are especially interested in, feel free to share them as well. We can certainly cover them in future articles.

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