PostgreSQL: Foreign keys and insertion order in SQL

10.2020 / Category: / Tags: |

In SQL, the concept of foreign keys is an important one that can be found in all professional databases used in the industry. The core idea is to prevent your PostgreSQL database from storing inconsistent data by enforcing constraints ensuring the correctness of your tables (at least as far as relations between objects are concerned). Referential integrity is therefore one of the most important concepts ever invented in IT.

However, foreign keys will introduce some issues which you have to take care of when writing applications. If there are no foreign keys, you can insert data into any table in any order. PostgreSQL does not care. However, if a foreign key is in place, order starts to matter (at least in a typical scenario but more on that later).

Foreign keys and order

To show the importance of order, we have to create a data model first:

We want to store currencies, products, as well as product descriptions. Basically it is a very simple data model. Let us see if we happen to insert into the product table:

Logically the first INSERT is going to fail because currency number 1 does not exist yet. If we want to INSERT, we have to use a NULL value (= unknown currency). In order words: We have to fill the currency table first, then insert locations, and so on. The order does matter in the default case.

Determining the correct insertion order for foreign keys

If you have to start using an existing data model, it can be a bit hard to wrap your head around this stuff. Populating an empty data model can be a bit tricky. So why not write a query telling us the order in which we are supposed to insert data?

Well, here is that magic query...

The query is not trivial to read, but I have done my best to document it a bit. Basically, the PostgreSQL system tables have all the information we need to determine the correct order. Here is the output:

As you can see, the query has correctly given us the tables in the desired order. First, we have to insert into all tables at level one and so on. If we stick to this order, referential integrity will always be ensured (assuming the data is correct).

Making use of “initially deferred” constraints

In some cases, the insertion order can be a nasty thing to deal with. What if we had the means to tell PostgreSQL to ignore the order and check integrity on commit instead? This is exactly what "initially deferred" does. Here is how it works:

In this case, we can modify data in any order we want. As long as integrity is guaranteed to be intact at the end of the transaction, PostgreSQL is perfectly fine. PostgreSQL will postpone the constraint check and take some burden off the developer.

Finally …

If you want to learn more about advanced SQL, you might want to take a look at my blog about some more advanced windowing functions (with ties). So put on your tie and read to learn more.

2 responses to “PostgreSQL: Foreign keys and insertion order in SQL”

  1. Thanks a lot!!! You saved my day 🙂
    I think there is a small "bug" (?): I have a circular dependency situation. But i think the "direction" matters:
    C -> B
    B -> A
    C -> A

    C was excluded from the result

  2. Great, query. But with large databases of 600 tables or more. This query will crash the db. Any performance improvement recommendations?

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