PostgreSQL: How to write a trigger

02.2021 / Category: / Tags: |

Just like in most databases, in PostgreSQL a trigger is a way to automatically respond to events. Maybe you want to run a function if data is inserted into a table. Maybe you want to audit the deletion of data, or simply respond to some UPDATE statement. That is exactly what a trigger is good for. This post is a general introduction to triggers in PostgreSQL. It is meant to be a tutorial for people who want to get started programming them.

Create a table

Writing a trigger is easy. The first important thing you will need is a table. A trigger is always associated with a table:

The goal of this example is to check the values inserted and silently “correct” them if we think that the data is wrong. For the sake of simplicity, all values below zero will be set to -1.

CREATE TRIGGER: Syntax and execution order

If you want to define a trigger, there are two things which have to be done:

  • Define a function
  • Create the trigger based on the function

In the following section you will be guided through that process.

Before we get started, let’s first take a look at CREATE TRIGGER:


Triggers BEFORE, or AFTER?

The first thing you can see is that a trigger can be executed BEFORE or AFTER. But “before” and “after” what? Well, if you insert a row, you can call a function before or after its insertion. If you call the function before the actual insertion, you can modify the row before it finds its way to the table. In case of an AFTER trigger, the trigger function can already see the row which has just been inserted - the data is already inserted.

The following image shows where to insert a trigger:

trigger execution postgresql before after

Basically, you can have as many BEFORE and as many AFTER triggers as you like. The important thing is that the execution order of the triggers is deterministic (since PostgreSQL 7.3). Triggers are always executed ordered by name. In other words, PostgreSQL will execute all BEFORE triggers in alphabetical order, do the actual operation, and then execute all AFTER triggers in alphabetical order.
Execution order is highly important, since it makes sure that your code runs in a deterministic order. To see how this plays out, let’s take a look at a practical example.

Defining functions and triggers

As stated before, we want to change the value being inserted in case it is negative. To do that, I have written an easy to understand function:

What we see here is this NEW variable. It contains the current row the trigger has been fired for. We can easily access and modify this variable, which in turn will modify the value which ends up in the table.

NOTE: If the function returns NEW, the row will be inserted as expected. However, if you return NULL, the operation will be silently ignored. In case of a BEFORE trigger the row will not be inserted.

 The next step is to create a trigger and tell it to call this function:

Our trigger will only fire on INSERT (shortly before it happens). What is also noteworthy here: In PostgreSQL, a trigger on a table can fire for each row or for each statement. In most cases, people use row level triggers and execute a function for each row modified.

Putting your first PostgreSQL trigger to the test

Once the code has been deployed we can already test it:

In this example two rows are inserted. One row is modified - the second one is taken as it is. In addition to that, our trigger issues two log messages so that we can see the content of NEW.

NEW vs. OLD in triggers

The previous example focuses on INSERT and therefore the NEW variable is readily available. However, if you want to write a trigger handling UPDATE and DELETE, the situation is quite different. Depending on the operation, different variables are available:

  • TRUNCATE: none

In other words: If you want to write a trigger for UPDATE, you have full access to the old as well as the new row. In case of DELETE you can see the row which is about to be deleted.
So far we have seen NEW and OLD - but there is more.

Predefined variables in PostgreSQL trigger functions

PostgreSQL offers a variety of additional predefined variables which can be accessed inside a trigger function. Basically, the function knows when it has been called, what kind of operation it is called for, and so on.
Let's take a look at the following code snippet:

 As you can see, there are various TG_* variables. Let’s take a look at them and see what they contain:

  • TG_RELID: The internal object id of the table we are about to trigger
  • TG_RELNAME + TG_TABLE_SCHEMA + TG_TABLE_NAME: Table and schema names
  • TG_OP: Is the trigger fired for INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or TRUNCATE?
  • TG_WHEN: Is the trigger fired BEFORE or AFTER the operation?
  • TG_LEVEL: Is this a statement or a row level trigger?
  • TG_ARGS: The number of arguments passed to the trigger
  • TG_ARGV: The list of arguments (index starts at 0)

Let's run the code shown in the previous listing and see what happens:

The trigger shows us exactly what's going on. That's important if you want to make your functions more generic. You can use the same function and apply it to more than just one table.

Finally …

Triggers can do a lot more and it certainly makes sense to dig into this subject deeper to understand the inner workings of this important technique.
If you want to learn more about important features of PostgreSQL, you might want to check out one of my posts about sophisticated temporary tables which can be found here.


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