pgRouting is an extension of PostgreSQL and PostGIS providing advanced routing algorithms. It is ideal if you want to unleash the power of SQL and advanced GIS algorithms to enhance your applications. pgRouting is Open Source and can therefore be used free of charge. Precompiled packages are available in the official PostgreSQL community repositories for all commonly used Linux distributions.
pgRouting enables you to handle GPS data and vehicle routing directly in PostgreSQL, and offers a good solution for rapid prototyping as well as for productive applications. Display your new routes on a map and visualize your results using GeoServer and CYPEX. Make use of pgRouting to guide your vehicles in the most cost-efficient way possible.
We offer 24/7 support for pgRouting. Check out our support packages, or contact us for more information.
In case you want to use pgRouting to improve your GIS infrastructure, CYBERTEC offers comprehensive services for pgRouting, as well as for the entire PostgreSQL and PostGIS toolchain.
Preparing GIS data We optimize your dataset for pgRouting to ensure superior PostgreSQL performance. |
Tuning pgRouting queries We ensure good SQL query performance under all circumstances. |
Scalable routing Scale up PostgreSQL to meet your demands: more performance for more clients. |
Upgrading PostGIS / pgRouting Keep your systems up to date. Our consultants will help you to stay current. |
pgRouting training Learn how to use pgRouting in the most efficient way. Get started and become more productive. |
24/7 support for pgRouting If you are looking for enterprise-grade 24/7 support, check out our services. |
Contact us today to receive your personal offer from CYBERTEC. We offer timely delivery, professional handling, and over 20 years of PostgreSQL experience.