PostGIS is the gold standard for GIS data. It is an extension of PostgreSQL and adds data types such as geometry and geography which are optimized for spatial data. That makes PostGIS the most powerful tool available for mapping and processing GIS data.
Using PostGIS is free and the entire package is available as Open Source software. Precompiled packages are available for all commonly used Linux distributions, and can be downloaded from official PostgreSQL repositories.
PostGIS has been successfully adopted by some of the biggest players in the industry.
We offer 24/7 support for PostGIS! Contact our sales team to get PostGIS support today!
CYBERTEC offers comprehensive services for PostGIS to optimize your GIS stack, create impressive maps, dashboards and provide the foundation for modern technologies such as machine learning.
Designing GIS infrastructure We optimize your GIS infrastructure and design modern data pipelines. |
Deploying PostGIS We help clients to set up a PostGIS infrastructure and to import data. |
PostGIS training Enjoy our training courses and benefit from professional know-how. |
Process OSM data CYBERTEC provides services to handle OpenStreetMap data (import, transformation, usage). |
Tuning spatial queries We tune and optimize your spatial queries for maximum performance. |
GPS tracking Use PostGIS, MobilityDB and pgRouting to manage GPS tracks quickly and efficiently. |
Manage IOT data PostgreSQL is ideal for IOT (= Internet of Things) and we help to process massive data sets as well as time series. |
Scaling spatial data Benefit from our expertise. CYBERTEC helps to scale GIS databases to your needs. |
GIS data for Machine Learning Use cutting-edge algorithms and apply machine learning to make the most of your GIS data sets. |
If you have any questions, or want to discuss any details with us in person, feel free to contact us! We offer timely delivery, professional handling, and 20 years of PostgreSQL experience.