writer and wal writer PostgreSQL processes explained
Why are there 2 similarly-named processes called writer and WAL writer? What do they do? Get an explanation.
Exposing PostgreSQL server logs to users via SQL
Easily expose PostgreSQL database logs to users - there’s a pretty neat way for SQL-based access! Here's a quick demo on that.
PostgreSQL instance level encryption
There are a few different ways to implement database encryption - commonly on the operating system, filesystem, file or column […]
Best of PostgreSQL 9.6 for the DBA
Here arethe most interesting and relevant features of PostgreSQL 9.6 for the PostgreSQL DBA - summarized for easy digestion.
The "synchronous_commit" parameter and streaming replication
If you're not yet familiar with the "synchronous_commit" parameter, keep reading. It's one of the most important PostgreSQL parameters.
Will more disks get you better PostgreSQL performance?
Find out whether to buy more hardware to fix performance problems - which are in many cases not caused by bad disk performance.
Walbouncer update - a proxy for selective PostgreSQL physical replication
walbouncer update, now supporting PostgreSQL 14, together with a helper script to build replicas. How-to on the walbouncer set up process.
Exploding runtime: How nested loops can destroy speed
What will happen if the PostgreSQL optimizer underestimates the number of rows involved in nested loops? Includes ways to fix the problem.
PostgreSQL underused features - WAL compression
WAL compression is a new feature of PostgreSQL 9.5 that not many are yet aware of. This post provides a testcase highlighting the benfits.
Estimating table bloat in PostgreSQL
A short how to on quickly spotting bloated PostgreSQL tables - 2 different methods. We also show how to artificially generate table bloat.