max_connections - Performance impacts
Setting max_connections to an insanely high value is not good for performance. I tried it, to see what impact it has in PostgreSQL.
Detecting fraud: Benford's law
Benford's law is a mechanism, which is widely used in many fields. Especially accounting fraud can be detected nicely using this simple law of mathematics.
PostgreSQL shutdown modes
PostgreSQL has three shutdown modes - smart, fast, immediate. Check out this blogpost to learn more about all of them.
Tracking changes in PostgreSQL
UPDATED 2023 - How to track changes made to tables in PostgreSQL - instructions how to use a generic changelog trigger for tracking changes.
Reducing space consumption
After digging through some customer source code yesterday I thought that it might be worth publishing a post about space consumption and enum types. It seems to be quite common to store status information as text fields. This is highly inefficient.
PostgreSQL Vim integration: Finally ...
Importing into Vim is basically not too much of an issue – but, exporting data back to PostgreSQL is more of an issue.
From PostgreSQL directly to Vim
Some (obvious) ideas can struck you when you are just sitting around at the airport or so. This is exactly […]