Citus live query inspection using citus_stat_activity
How to use citus_stat_activity to get all the the information about your database shards you need at once - makes it super easy to debug.
Monitoring Performance for PostgreSQL with Citus
Monitoring PostgreSQL with Citus: how to leverage monitoring to optimize PostgreSQL + Citus distributed database performance.
Citus: 7 commonly used advanced SQL tools
How to use 6 commonly-needed SQL tools in Citus. When you run advanced SQL in Citus, what's possible? What SQL statements work? Find out.
Citus: Row store vs. column store in PostgreSQL
Row store vs. column store - a lot has been written about this topic in the context of PostgreSQL and […]
Data locality: Scaling PostgreSQL with Citus intelligently
How to use data locality to increase performance while sharding PostgreSQL data with Citus. What is database locality
Citus: Sharding your first table
Here’s how to shard a table from scratch with Citus. Scale PostgreSQL DBs using a sharding approach. How to run a Citus Docker container.
PostgreSQL affiliate projects for horizontal multi-terabyte scaling
Don’t be afraid to scale up with Postgres: Overview about PostgreSQL extensions and derivatives for horizontal multi-terabyte scaling.