PostgreSQL: Indexes and foreign keys
Missing indexes and foreign keys may cause database performance problems. Learn how to speed up things dramatically - not only in PostgreSQL!
Trying out Postgres Bloom indexes
Let's set up a simple demo to exemplify “fields of application” for Bloom and to also gauge pros/cons/performance in comparison to B-tree.
So what are Bloom indexes for Postgres?
Overview of the Bloom index in PostgreSQL. It's a very useful index method - find out how to use it & how it affects performance.
BRIN indexes: Correlation, correlation, correlation
BRIN indexes have been introduced in PostgreSQL 9.5. While BRIN indexes are definitely a win, people tend to exaggerate and use them far too frequently.
Indexing Wikipedia with PostgreSQL | The goal is to see which settings are most suitable for the creation of a GIN index.
Killing proper indexing: A neat idea
There are a couple of ways to kill indexing entirely. One of this ways is to apply functions or expressions. Read out in our blog.
Operator classes explained
In this blog we are tallking about the topic operator class. We will show you some strategies for your database.
Speeding up “min” and “max”
In this blog you can read why indexes are a great tool. And how it is possible speeding up a query many times by avoiding a sequential scans,