vip-manager v2.8 meets Patroni REST API
In this blog posting you will read more about the vip-manager and Patroni and what are the advantage of it.
Updating PostgreSQL parameters in Kubernetes and other systems
Learn about updating PostgreSQL parameters in Kubernetes and other systems, such as when changes require a restart.
Patroni Contributors Meeting 2024 in Munich
Before the, a few contributors to the Patroni project met to discuss the past, present and future of this framework for PostgreSQL HA. Find out more.
PostgreSQL clustering: vip-manager
vip-manager is a simple to use tool to handle service IPs in a PostgreSQL Patroni cluster | PostgreSQL High Availability Cluster
Introduction and How-To: etcd clusters for Patroni
Reasons for setting up Patroni etcd clusters. How-To cluster placement, etcd cluster setup and checking etcd healthiness.
Patroni : Setting up a highly available PostgreSQL Cluster
Let's dive into PostsgreSQL cluster high-availability within this tutorial. This blog post is about the setup and configuration of Patroni.
How we built our cluster in a box
During this year's we displayed a "cluster in a box" demo case with Patroni. Many of you inquired about how […]