PGDay Hyderabad 2024 Reflections
In this blog, I would like to tell you more about PGDay Hyderabad 2024. It was my first PostgreSQL conference in India. Find out more...
pgwatch2 v1.9 Final Release
We are thrilled to announce that the FINAL version of pgwatch2 v1.9 is now ready for your production environment! pgwatch […]
pgwatch2 v1.9 Beta released and available for testing
We want to announce that the beta release of pgwatch2 v1.9 is now available for download. This release contains previews […]
With v1.7.0, a huge set of uselful features and improvements have found their way into pgwatch2. Learn about the most significant changes.
Version 1.6 of pgwatch2 PostgreSQL monitoring tool released
PGWatch2 Improvements 1.6. All details about the new features of the PostgreSQL monitoring tool. Highlights: Prometheus and Patroni support.
Major feature update for the pgwatch2 Postgres monitoring tool
Feature Pack 4 of the PostgreSQL monitoring tool pgwatch2 is out. This article gives an overview about the new features and improvements.
Next feature release for the pgwatch2 monitoring tool
New features for the pgwatch2 PostgreSQL monitoring tool, including Ansible, sharding and developer mode support.
CYBERTEC pgwatch2, the best monitoring tool for PostgreSQL, is out now with the brand new Feature Pack 3 that has a focus on enterprise needs.
Updates for the pgwatch2 Postgres monitoring tool
Updates for the pgwatch2 PostgreSQL monitoring tool - This blogpost summarizes the new features of the latest version of pgwatch 1.2
New features for CYBERTEC's pgwatch2 Postgres monitoring tool
pgwatch2 has got a lot of new features included, to make your work easier with PostgreSQL.