Table of Contents
We all know that in PostgreSQL we cannot drop an object if there are view dependencies on it:
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CREATE TABLE t (id integer PRIMARY KEY); CREATE VIEW v AS SELECT * FROM t; DROP TABLE t; ERROR: cannot drop table t because other objects depend on it DETAIL: view v depends on table t HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. ALTER TABLE t DROP id; ERROR: cannot drop column id of table t because other objects depend on it DETAIL: view v depends on column id of table t HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. |
Some people like it because it keeps the database consistent; some people hate it because it makes schema modifications more difficult. But that's the way it is.
In this article I want to explore the mechanics behind view dependencies and show you how to track what views depend on a certain PostgreSQL object.
Imagine you want to modify a table, e.g. change a column's data type from integer
to bigint
because you realize you will need to store bigger numbers.
However, you cannot do that if there are views that use the column. You first have to drop those views, then change the column and then run all the CREATE VIEW
statements to create the views again.
As the example shows, editing tables can be quite a challenge if there is a deep hierarchy of views, because you have to create the views in the correct order. You cannot create a view unless all the objects it requires are present.
Before I show you how to untangle the mess, I'd like to tell you what mistakes to avoid when you are using views in your database design (excuse my switching to teacher mode; I guess holding courses has that effect on you).
Views are good for two things:
Neither of these applications require you to “stack” views, that is, define views over views.
There are two patterns of using views that tend to be problematic, and they both stem from the mistaken idea that a view works exactly like a table, just because it looks like one:
conditions work well, but others take impossibly long.Never forget that a view is just a “crystallized” SQL statement and gets replaced by its definition when the query is executed.
A view in PostgreSQL is not that different from a table: it is a “relation”, that is “something with columns”.
All such objects are stored in the catalog table pg_class
As the documentation states, a view is almost the same as a table, with a few exceptions:
is “v
” rather than “r
rule called “_RETURN
”This “query rewrite rule” contains the definition of the view and is stored in the ev_action
column of the pg_rewrite
catalog table.
Note that the view definition is not stored as a string, but in the form of a “query parse tree”. Views are parsed when they are created, which has several consequences:
, so the current setting of search_path
applies.Note that the way PostgreSQL handles views quite different from the way PostgreSQL handles functions: function bodies are stored as strings and not parsed when they are created. Consequently, PostgreSQL cannot know on which objects a given function depends.
All dependencies (except those on “shared objects”) are stored in the catalog table pg_depend
stores the object ID of the catalog table containing the dependent objectobjid
stores the ID of the dependent objectobjsubid
stores the column number if the dependency is for a columnrefclassid
, refobjid
and refobjsubid
are like the three columns above, but describe the object referenced by the dependencydeptype
describes the kind of dependencyIt is important to notice that there is no direct dependency of a view on the objects it uses: the dependent object is actually the view's rewrite rule. That adds another layer of indirection.
In the following, I'll use this schema to test my queries:
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CREATE TABLE t1 ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, val text NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three'); CREATE FUNCTION f() RETURNS text LANGUAGE sql AS 'SELECT ''suffix'''; CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT max(id) AS id FROM t1; CREATE VIEW v2 AS SELECT t1.val FROM t1 JOIN v1 USING (id); CREATE VIEW v3 AS SELECT val || f() FROM t1; |
I have thrown in a function, just to show that a view can depend on objects other than tables.
In the following I will concentrate on tables and columns, but the queries will work for functions too, if you replace the catalog pg_class
that contains tables with the catalog pg_proc
that contains functions.
To find out which views directly depend on table t1
, you would query like this:
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SELECT v.oid::regclass AS view FROM pg_depend AS d -- objects that depend on the table JOIN pg_rewrite AS r -- rules depending on the table ON r.oid = d.objid JOIN pg_class AS v -- views for the rules ON v.oid = r.ev_class WHERE v.relkind = 'v' -- only interested in views -- dependency must be a rule depending on a relation AND d.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass AND d.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass AND d.deptype = 'n' -- normal dependency AND d.refobjid = 't1'::regclass; view ------ v2 v1 v3 v2 (4 rows) |
To find views with direct dependencies on the function f
, simply replace “d.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass
” with “d.refclassid = 'pg_proc'::regclass
” and “refobjid = 't1'::regclass
” with “refobjid = 'f'::regproc
Actually, the views will usually not depend on the table itself, but on the columns of the table (the exception is if a so-called “whole-row reference” is used in the view). That is why the view v2
shows up twice in the above list. You can remove those duplicates using DISTINCT
We can modify the above query slightly to find those views that depend on a certain table column, which can be useful if you are planning to drop a column (adding a column to the base table is never a problem).
The following query finds the views that depend on the column val
of table t1
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SELECT v.oid::regclass AS view FROM pg_attribute AS a -- columns for the table JOIN pg_depend AS d -- objects that depend on the column ON d.refobjsubid = a.attnum AND d.refobjid = a.attrelid JOIN pg_rewrite AS r -- rules depending on the column ON r.oid = d.objid JOIN pg_class AS v -- views for the rules ON v.oid = r.ev_class WHERE v.relkind = 'v' -- only interested in views -- dependency must be a rule depending on a relation AND d.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass AND d.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass AND d.deptype = 'n' -- normal dependency AND a.attrelid = 't1'::regclass AND a.attname = 'val'; view ------ v3 v2 (2 rows) |
Now if you haven't heeded the advice I gave above and you went ahead and defined a complicated hierarchy of views, it doesn't stop with direct dependencies.
Rather, you need to recursively go through the whole hierarchy.
For example, let's assume that you want to DROP
and re-create the table t1
from our example and you need the CREATE VIEW
statements to re-create the views once you are done (dropping them won't be a problem if you use DROP TABLE t1 CASCADE
Then you need to use the above queries in a recursive “common table expression” (CTE). The CTE is for tracking recursive view dependencies and can be reused for all such requirements; the only difference will be in the main query.
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WITH RECURSIVE views AS ( -- get the directly depending views SELECT v.oid::regclass AS view, v.relkind = 'm' AS is_materialized, 1 AS level FROM pg_depend AS d JOIN pg_rewrite AS r ON r.oid = d.objid JOIN pg_class AS v ON v.oid = r.ev_class WHERE v.relkind IN ('v', 'm') AND d.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass AND d.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass AND d.deptype = 'n' AND d.refobjid = 't1'::regclass UNION -- add the views that depend on these SELECT v.oid::regclass, v.relkind = 'm', views.level + 1 FROM views JOIN pg_depend AS d ON d.refobjid = views.view JOIN pg_rewrite AS r ON r.oid = d.objid JOIN pg_class AS v ON v.oid = r.ev_class WHERE v.relkind IN ('v', 'm') AND d.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass AND d.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass AND d.deptype = 'n' AND v.oid <> views.view -- avoid loop ) SELECT format('CREATE%s VIEW %s AS%s', CASE WHEN is_materialized THEN ' MATERIALIZED' ELSE '' END, view, pg_get_viewdef(view)) FROM views GROUP BY view, is_materialized ORDER BY max(level); format ------------------------------------------- CREATE VIEW v3 AS SELECT (t1.val || f()) + FROM t1; CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT max( AS id+ FROM t1; CREATE VIEW v2 AS SELECT t1.val + FROM (t1 + JOIN v1 USING (id)); (3 rows) |
We need the GROUP BY
because a view may depend on an object in more than one ways: in our example, v2
depends on t1
twice: once directly, and once indirectly via v1
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I had such a problem where we had materialized and non-materialized views on 3-4 levels. To change them easily I created a maintenance plpgsql function. That function takes care of dropping, creating and materialization of views. Another advantage was that I could put comments at the line level (I only make changes to the views in this function).
To use the parameterized live views instead of the functions, auxiliary tables can be used that can store the arguments of the functions at the user level. In the case of materialized views parameterized on the user the problem is complicated, these being common to the users..
Thanks for the great article.
In 11th postgres you can use
view which encapsulates mentioned queriesWITH RECURSIVE dependent_views AS (
, vcu.table_schema AS table_schema
, vcu.table_name AS table_name
, vcu.column_name AS column_name
, vcu.view_schema AS view_schema
, vcu.view_name AS view_name
FROM view_column_usage vcu
WHERE vcu.table_schema = p_schema_name
AND vcu.table_name = p_table_name
AND ( vcu.column_name = p_column_name
p_column_name IS NULL
SELECT dep.lvl 1 AS lvl
, vcu2.table_schema AS table_schema
, vcu2.table_name AS table_name
, vcu2.column_name AS column_name
, vcu2.view_schema AS view_schema
, vcu2.view_name AS view_name
FROM dependent_views dep
view_column_usage vcu2
ON vcu2.table_schema = dep.view_schema
AND vcu2.table_name = dep.view_name
AND vcu2.column_name = dep.column_name
SELECT dv.lvl AS lvl
, dv.table_schema AS table_schema
, dv.table_name AS table_name
, dv.column_name AS column_name
, dv.view_schema AS view_schema
, dv.view_name AS view_name
FROM dependent_views dv
Is there any way to find dependencies on COLUMN of a view to column of table/view level?
All the dependencies above are for VIEW depends on columns of table/view.
No, PostgreSQL knows on what tables and table columns the view as a whole depends, but it does not track which column of the view depends on what.
Is there a reason you did not use DISTINCT in your WITH clause? We have implemented what you have above, and it worked fine for a while. Recently we ran into an issue with a table that has a lot of columns and a lot of views that build on each other. It seems the code above may start to have issues when there are more than 4 levels. I know that's not ideal, but that's the situation we have. Essentially, this is how I how I have modified the code from the article to resolve our issue:
-- get the directly depending views
SELECT DISTINCT v.oid::regclass AS view,
1 AS level
FROM pg_depend AS d
JOIN pg_rewrite AS r
ON r.oid = d.objid
JOIN pg_class AS v
ON v.oid = r.ev_class
WHERE v.relkind = 'v'
AND d.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass
AND d.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass
AND d.deptype = 'n'
AND d.refobjid = 't1'::regclass
-- add the views that depend on these
SELECT DISTINCT v.oid::regclass,
views.level 1
FROM views
JOIN pg_depend AS d
ON d.refobjid = views.view
JOIN pg_rewrite AS r
ON r.oid = d.objid
JOIN pg_class AS v
ON v.oid = r.ev_class
WHERE v.relkind = 'v'
AND d.classid = 'pg_rewrite'::regclass
AND d.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass
AND d.deptype = 'n'
AND v.oid views.view -- avoid loop
SELECT format('CREATE VIEW %s AS%s',
So far, it seems to be fine. The views at a particular level may be ordered slightly differently than before, but I don't see how that matters as long as the level is correct.
I have changed the
, that should get rid of duplicates.Hello, if you also want to inspect the materialized views you have to replace
v.relkind = 'v'
(v.relkind = 'v' or v.relkind = 'm')
Good idea; I have modified the query.
Thanks that's useful ... but is it possible to do the other way around? I.e. in a complex nest of views I'd like to see all the views/tables that are the dependencies of a view.
Sure, that should work just as well. Just follow the chain in the other direction.
Thanks for the response, though I can't seem to work out which bit of code to change to reverse the dependency direction...