PostgreSQL: Getting started on Ubuntu

03.2021 / Category: / Tags: |

To make it easier for our readers to install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu, we have compiled a quick guide to getting started. Don’t worry, it’s not too hard. You will learn:

  • How to download PostgreSQL
  • How to install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu
  • How to create a database instance
  • How to ensure the service is running
  • Creating your first table

Note that this is an introduction. If you are looking to create a PostgreSQL High-Availability cluster, we recommend checking out some of our other content.

Preparing the system

For this demonstration I have created a virtual machine using VirtualBox on my local machine. We use Ubuntu 20.10 in this tutorial.
Installing Ubuntu on VirtualBox is easy. Simply download the Ubuntu ISO file from the website and create a virtual machine:

postgresql on ubuntu

 Then ensure that the ISO file is inserted into the virtual CD drive:

postgresql on ubuntu

You can then boot the machine. Simply follow the instructions. Once Ubuntu is installed, we can proceed with the installation of PostgreSQL itself.

Installing repositories and keys

To download PostgreSQL, we suggest checking out the official PostgreSQL website. Those PostgreSQL packages provided by the community are high quality and we recommend using them for your deployment:

Please select your desired operating system. In our example, I have selected the latest version of Ubuntu (20.10). The following steps are now necessary to install PostgreSQL:

  • Add the repository
  • Add the keys for the repository
  • Update your packages
  • Deploy PostgreSQL

The first thing you have to do is to add the repository to your Ubuntu installation. Here is how it works:

Then you can add the keys to the system to make sure the repository is trustworthy:

Next, we can update the package list and ensure that our system has the latest stuff:

Once the repositories are ready to use, we can actually go and install PostgreSQL on our Ubuntu server.

Installing PostgreSQL on Ubuntu

Basically, all we need to do is run “apt-get -y install postgresql” This will automatically deploy the latest version of PostgreSQL. If we want to deploy, say, PostgreSQL 12 instead of the current PostgreSQL, we would use “apt-get install postgresql-12” instead.

Now let’s install PostgreSQL 13:

The beauty of this setup is that everything was done automatically by the packages. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Downloading packages
  • Installing the binaries
  • Setting up systemd configuration
  • Creating an empty database instance

Now, all that remains to be done is to enable the services to ensure that the database is running correctly and automatically - in case the system is restarted.

Ensuring the service is running (systemd)

Enabling the service is easy and can be done using the standard systemd procedure. Basically the service should already be active but it makes sense to double check to make sure that stuff is really enabled:

Once the service has been enabled, we can start the instance so that we can use it directly, without a restart:

Ubuntu did not issue any errors. However, it is usually a good idea to check if the database is indeed running. There are two ways to do that:

  • Check the process table
  • Use pg_isready to check the system

First, let’s check the process table:

The second option is to use pg_isready:

Switch to the “postgres” user, and then call pg_isready. If you want a little bit more information, you can also add the -V (verbose) flag to the end. The beauty is that pg_isready returns a POSIX compliant return code, so you can easily use it in your scripts.

Testing your database

After we have installed and enabled PostgreSQL on our Ubuntu system, we can check which databases there are:

“psql -l” connects to the database and lists the databases in our PostgreSQL cluster. This works perfectly - so we can already log in, and easily create a new database:

PostgreSQL is now ready for action. You can already go ahead and use the system according to your needs. If you want to tune your database and find good configuration parameters, we recommend checking out the PostgreSQL configuration tool (pgconfigurator). It will help you to achieve better performance by adjusting some key parameters in the postgresql.conf configuration file.


If you want to improve your database setup even more, we recommend checking out a way to cluster PostgreSQL to achieve higher availability. We have compiled a post for you showing how HA can easily be achieved. Check it out.

One response to “PostgreSQL: Getting started on Ubuntu”

  1. thank you for this instructional!
    Just FYI:
    For the command, su - postgres I had to put sudo in front of it first.

    Without sudo, su - postgres asks me for a password.

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