pg_datamask is an extension for PostgreSQL, built by CYBERTEC. Limit the exposure of sensitive data – anonymize it. Provide real-world testing data to your developers without risk; data masking for PostgreSQL is the best way to protect your data. Our extension ensures that real data is never exposed to software developers – however, it preserves the original characteristics of your data. Your result: realistic testing without the risk of data leaks.
Masking data is not just desirable – in some cases it is even required by law. CYBERTEC provides a means to help PostgreSQL users protect their data.
Data masking is an elegant solution to these problems.
Our module hooks into the PostgreSQL core and processes data while it streams.
From a user’s point of view, you first create a masked backup, which can then be used by developers to work on fully anonymized data. The advantage of the process is that developers are always clearly separated from the production system, which drastically reduces the risk of a leak.
Currently there are two options available to anonymize data:
• Generic masking: We ship a ready-made function, suitable for most needs
• Custom-built code: You can write your own functions to mask your data
If you want to go the fast route, we’ll provide you with a ready-made solution to handle your data – get started quickly. However, if you prefer, write your own custom code and get all the flexibility you need to handle data the way you want.
Our masking library allows you to choose how to mask specific data types. The library provides functionality for the most typical use cases, which allows you to:
Contact us today for your personal offer. We offer fast delivery, professional service and years of PostgreSQL experience.
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