walbouncer: Enterprise-grade partial replication

Partial replication for PostgreSQL


  • replicate single databases, not just entire database instances
  • replicate individual tablespaces
  • easy configuration

walbouncer is an enterprise-grade replication tool which enables partial replication for PostgreSQL. No longer do you need to replicate entire database instances if only a single database is needed. It will filter the transaction log and replicate parts of the WAL stream to where it is needed. It provides continuous availability of data to keep transactional workflows and analytics operating at maximum efficiency, all day long. Our walbouncer is the only known software capable of filtering binary PostgreSQL xlog and therefore offers superior technology for your needs.

WAL Filtering

WAL Filtering - Walbouncer

Use cases

walbouncer has been designed for a variety of use cases, commonly seen in big as well as small setups.

  • Geographically distributed databases
  • Security-critical data
  • Saving on valuable storage

Achieve partial replication in geographically distributed databases

Replicate data all over the world. Make sure that people only see the data they really need to see. walbouncer helps to secure your systems by physically removing parts of a database instance from the standby instance. Distributing a database between geographical regions is a hot topic in cloud computing right now, and with good reason: the geo-distribution of data offers many benefits, such as high availability, faster response times, easier scalability and data sovereignty. A geo-distributed database environment is particularly well-suited to growing companies with a global user base, which demand a high degree of application performance and security, as well as high availability.

Regional Systems

Regional Systems - Walbouncer

Key advantages of the walbouncer partial replication tool

  • Fully Open Source
  • 24×7 support by CYBERTEC available
  • Rock-solid technology
  • Easy to use

We are ready to help deploy your system and provide round-the-clock help to your technical team.

More technical options

walbouncer supports synchronous as well as asynchronous replication. In addition to that, the full feature set of the PostgreSQL streaming protocol is fully supported and usable with walbouncer.

Async and Sync Replication - Walbouncer

More technical information can be found here: Documentation.

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