PostgreSQL Health Check


As part of our PostgreSQL Health Check, our experts are happy to take a look at your database and identify potential problems in terms of performance, security and high availability – regardless of whether your database is currently running smoothly or whether the first problems have already occurred. Our consultants will take a look at common database weak points and develop ways to keep your database up and running in the future. We are also happy to implement the corresponding recommendations professionally and promptly, if required.

Is your database showing signs of bad performance and slowness? Are you struggling with slow queries? By the time the first problems occur, it is more than time to have your database checked carefully. That is just one of many good reasons to perform a health check of your database on a regular basis.

Has your database grown a lot lately or have you upgraded your hardware? Often it’s the small things and minor changes which cause performance problems to invade your database – and those might not be obvious at first glance. That’s why a health check is not exclusively meant to analyze your database for problems whose symptoms are already apparent. It should rather be seen as an instrument of prevention. CYBERTEC professionals will spot problems before they get bigger and cause real damage. We recommend performing database Health Checks on a regular basis: Our experts will make sure that there are no problems in your database in the first place – it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Services Included

The Health Check includes a wide range of parameters and covers the following topics:

  • PostgreSQL high availability check of your database
  • Database security and database hardening check
  • Backup/recovery strategy check
  • Recommendations for parameter optimization and OS configuration
  • Best practice recommendations

In addition, you will receive a summary of the results of the Health Check, which gives an overview of analyses performed, weaknesses identified and your optimization potentials.

We also provide assistance for implementing the recommended measures.


€ 880,- (excl. VAT) per database for a complete health check. Please contact us for more information.


Contact us today to receive your personal offer from CYBERTEC. We offer timely delivery, professional handling, and over 20 years of PostgreSQL experience.

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