Tag: development

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Pagination and the problem of the total result count

by Laurenz Albe | 01.2023
  When processing a big result set in an interactive application, you want to paginate the result set, that is, […]


by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 01.2023
For a PostgreSQL time series report - find out how CREATE STATISTICS can improve performance when you group on expressions

UNION ALL, data types and performance

by Laurenz Albe | 12.2022
  A while ago, I wrote about the performance impact of query parameter data types. Recently I encountered a similar […]

Faceting large result sets in PostgreSQL

by Ants Aasma | 12.2022
While the term faceting may sound foreign to you, you almost certainly have run into it in your adventures online. […]

Partition PostgreSQL: which partition did I INSERT my data into?

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 11.2022
When partitioning in PostgreSQL, it's not obvious how to find the location of data afterwards. Here's some great partition tips and tricks.

Rewrite OR to UNION in PostgreSQL queries

by Laurenz Albe | 11.2022
  In my article that reviles OR, I showed how in certain cases, it is possible to rewrite OR in […]

pgbouncer: Types of PostgreSQL connection pooling

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 10.2022
Connections are not free. Conserve your resources - find out about connection pooling in PostgreSQL with pgbouncer.

LISTEN / NOTIFY: Automatic client notification in PostgreSQL

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 09.2022
If 1000's of users constantly poll the database, a lot of load is caused for no benefit. LISTEN / NOTIFY is a better way, find out how.

PostgreSQL: Sequences vs. Invoice numbers

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 09.2022
What's the problem with using PostgreSQL database side sequences to create unique invoice numbers to send to clients? Let's find out.

gexec in psql: PostgreSQL poweruser practice

by Julian Markwort | 07.2022
gexec PostgreSQL poweruser practice: Learn how to use the gexec command and the `||` operator to get the best results out of your psql.
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