Tag: performance tuning

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PostgreSQL: Detecting slow queries quickly

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 05.2021
UPDATED March 2023: In this post, we'll focus our attention on PostgreSQL performance and detecting slow queries. Performance tuning does […]

Insert-only data modelling to smooth peaks on slow disks

by CYBERTEC Guest | 11.2020
A few years ago, I wrote a short post on a similar topic; since then, I’ve often seen that the […]

PostgreSQL: More performance for LIKE and ILIKE statements

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 07.2020
LIKE and ILIKE are two fundamental SQL features. People use those things all over the place in their application and […]

Composite type performance issues in PostgreSQL

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 06.2020
This blog is about table functions and performance. PostgreSQL is a really powerful database and offers many features to make […]

Tuning max_connections in PostgreSQL

by Laurenz Albe | 04.2020
  (Updated 2023-02-22) In my daily work, I see many databases with a bad setting for max_connections. There is little […]

More on Postgres trigger performance

by CYBERTEC Guest | 06.2018
By Kaarel Moppel - In my last post I described what to expect from simple PL/pgSQL triggers in performance degradation […]

Are triggers really that slow in Postgres?

by CYBERTEC Guest | 05.2018
First, the big question – should we be using good old triggers at all? Well, actually I’m not going to […]

Improving transaction latency by moving indexes to faster media

by CYBERTEC Guest | 03.2018
By Kaarel Moppel - Improve transaction latency and consequently performance - The topic of transaction performance is as relevant as […]

A formula to calculate "pgbench" scaling factor for target DB size

by CYBERTEC Guest | 02.2018
Pgbench is a very well-known and handy built-in tool that Postgres DBAs can use for quick performance benchmarking. Its main […]

Avoiding unnecessary function calls in PostgreSQL

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 01.2018
It is possible to write functions in PostgreSQL in almost any widespread language such as Perl, Python or C. In […]
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