Tag: under the hood

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How PostgreSQL estimates parallel queries

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 10.2019
Parallel queries were introduced back in PostgreSQL 9.6, and the feature has been extended ever since. In PostgreSQL 11 and […]

Composite/ combined indexes vs. separate indexes in PostgreSQL

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 07.2019
A “composite index”, also known as “concatenated index” or a combined index, is an index on multiple columns in a […]

PostgreSQL meets “Data Science and AI”

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 07.2019
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science have become really important topics these days. Everybody is looking for […]

Killed index tuples

by Laurenz Albe | 11.2018
  Since I only recently learned about the concept of “killed index tuples”, I thought there might be some others […]
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